
Each year the John Jay Chapter of FBLA does the following activities:

Recruiting, Appointments, Elections

  • Freshman Orientation - August 29, 2019
  • Rush Meeting - September 10, 2019
  • Appointed Position applications due - end of September
  • Appointed Posiiton interviews - early October
  • Installation and Candle Ceremony - Mid-October
  • Leadership Summits - July or August (elected officers) / Late October (officers and directors)
  • Election of a new officer team - late May

Professional Events

Career Fair

For the past four years we have cosponsored John Jay's Career Fair. Our students have recruited businesses, helped to set up the gym, made courtesy calls the afternoon before, and acted as ambassadors on the day of the event. Unfortunately, the scheduling of the event this year (during our state competition) will make it impossible to participate. We are looking forward to resuming our partnership with the guidance department again in the fall of 2020.

This year, we will need to establish a new "Partnership with Business" event which might include a tour and/or job shadowing program with a local business.

Guest Speakers

Each year we bring in a member of the business community to talk to our members and any other interested John Jay students about what it is like to work in business. Our speakers have included accountants, an ice cream parlor owner, and even a Hollywood stylist to the stars. We are looking forward to bringing in another engaging speaker this year.

Community Service

Fall Blood Drive

Every October we partner with the New York Blood Center to provide this invaluable service for our community.

March of Dimes Letters From Santa

Every December we turn a computer lab into a Santa's workshop as we write customized letters to good little boys and girls whose parents and grandparents sign up ($5) for this special treat. Proceeds are split with FBLA's official charity, the March of Dimes.


The fully loaded cost for the state competition with transportation, 3-day hotel stay, food, and registration is about $650 per person per event for each of 20 students or about $13,000. The club works very hard to offest a large portion of this cost so that as many students can participate as possible. We try to bring in the final student cost around $300 through aggressive fundraising.

Winter Carnival

Every spring, we make a huge impact at John Jay's Winter Carnival by running five booths to entertain children ages 2 - 12. Our Director of Fundraising provides overall management for the event including "hiring" a booth captain for each booth, planning the overall budget, solving logistic issues on the day of the event, collecting tickets, and finally cashing out for revenue. The Booth Captains submit a projected income statement for their booth based on their estimated income and expenses. Booth captains recruit 3-5 "staff members" to set up, work, and break down booths. They purchase and deliver the supplies needed in their booth and submit receipts for reimbursement. At the chapter business meeting after the carnival, the Director of Fundraising and the Booth Captains report out on their budget vs. actual profit.

Our booths have included:

    • Bouncy house
    • Nerf Wars / Nerf Target Course
    • Miniature Golf
    • Fishing Pond
    • Tattoos and face painting
    • Cotton Candy and Lemonade

Other Fundraising Activities

We pick additional fundraising activities to do during the year which have included: Nerf Wars at Community Day, holiday gift and candy sales, car washes, yard sales, etc.


We accept sponsorships from local businesses. If your business has a matching gift program, the donation goes twice as far. Corporate donations are typically $250, $500, or $1000 and offset the cost of student travel to state and national business competitions.

Business Meetings and Competitions

All of the events in this category require business attire. For males, jackets are not required, but they must wear a tie and must have a belt that matches their shoes (no sneakers or boat shoes allowed). Females may choose slacks or skirts, but skirts must be an appropriate business length.

Fall Regional Meeting

Each October we travel to the school of the District 3N Vice President to meet students from around the area and participate in business workshops. Carmel High School, October 11, 2019

Fall Leadership Conference

John Jay has never participated in a fall conference before, but several students may be visiting Washington D.C. in November 2019, especially because we have a NYS Officer for the first time.

Local Business Competition

In December, students take written tests, sit for interviews, or compete in speaking events to earn one of the 25 "seats on the bus" to the spring district meeting where they can compete for a ranking in one of 15 different business competitions.

Spring District Meeting

In February, we take a day trip to compete at the district level. Carmel High School, February 13, 2020

Spring Leadership Conference

In April, we take a 3-day trip to the state competition to compete against almost 70 other high schools for an opportunity to earn a state title in individual events, team events, speaking events, written events, pre-judged events, and chapter events. Students may also run for state office. Rochester, March 31 - April 3, 2020

National Leadership Conference

Students who place in the top 4 at the state level are invited to attend the national competition. Salt Lake City, June 29 - July 2, 2020

Social Events

We like each other - holiday and end of year pool parties at a member's house are always a good time!