Practical Nursing

Mrs. Immel & Mrs. Tresch


Phone: 330-669-7000 exts. 2008


Phone: 330.669.7000 x 2013

Phone: 330-669-7000 exts. 2008

Mrs. Tresch and I work together to teach the Nursing program at the Career Center.

Mrs. Immel has been in the nursing industry for over 16 years and a teacher for over 5 years. She realized her love for teaching while working with newly hired nurses on the hospital floor. Her favorite part about teaching career tech is the ability to be hands-on with goal-driven students who are passionate about learning their trade. She loves being able to use her experiences to teach her students.  


Phone: 330.669.7000 x 2013

Mrs. Immel and I work together to teach the Nursing program at the Career Center. Mrs. Tresch began her nursing career in 1989 and found that teaching is fun and lets her be creative. She loves sharing her profession and encouraging critical thinking. Her favorite thing about teaching at WCSCC is the students. She loves that most are very career minded and want to work.

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