
Requesting a Transcript

Sending your Transcripts with the Initial Application  

If you are applying to a college that uses the Common Application, your counselor will upload your transcript for you.

For colleges and universities in North Carolina that DO NOT use the Common Application, request that your transcript be sent using your CFNC account.  If you do not have an account with CFNC, click HERE to create one.  Please remember to include your student number when setting up your student profile or it will not allow you to send your transcript.

For out-of-state colleges and universities that DO NOT use the Common Application, click HERE to send your transcript. Please note that the first 3 transcripts sent to out of state schools are free and then there is a charge of $5

Mid-Year Transcripts  

If you need a mid-year report submitted on the Common Application, you must request your counselor complete this portion of the application.  Once it is requested, the counselor will submit the report which also includes an uploaded copy of your mid-year transcript.  

If you need a mid-year report submitted that is not on the Common Application, then the student will request a transcript using the instructions above for those schools that do not use the Common Application.  please provide the printed form or e-mail the link within 2 weeks of the deadline.

Final Transcripts Requested

All students planning to attend college must send a FINAL transcript to the admissions office of the college they will attend in the Fall of 2023.


For all schools in NC, students should request final transcripts through their CFNC account. If you requested an initial transcript through CFNC, a final transcript will automatically be sent by CFNC approximately 10 days after graduation.  Students can check in their CFNC account to confirm a final transcript is "pending".  If you do not have an account with CFNC, click HERE to create one.  Please remember to include your student number when setting up your student profile or it will not allow you to send your transcript.  You can then request a transcript through the Application Hub.


If you will attend college out-of-state and applied through the Common Application, you will need to click HERE to send your transcript. Your final transcript will be sent free of charge on SCRIB.

Transcripts for Scholarships & Enrichment Opportunities

If you are required to submit a transcript for a scholarship, summer program or any other enrichment opportunities, please come to Student Services

NCAA Eligibility Center Transcripts for College-Bound Athletes

As long as you are registered through the NCAA Eligibility Center, we will send your final transcript on your behalf.  No further action is needed by the student-athlete.  

Former Students

If you have graduated from Wakefield High School, you must request your transcript by clicking HERE

CCP Students

If you need to send your official Wake Tech Transcript with your CCP Courses you must request it thorugh Wake Tech's Ordering System HERE