Austin M. Laws

School Counselor

Last Names Gi - K

My name is Austin Michael Laws. I was born and raised in Greensboro, NC (Guilford County). I received my B.S. degree from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. I received my Master’s degree in Education: School Counseling from the Liberty University Behavioral Sciences Graduate School. I am currently a graduate student at NC State University. I have contributed to professional organizations such as SACES (Southern Association for Counselors Education and Supervision), NARACES (North Atlantic Region Association For Counselor Education and Supervision), and NCSCA (North Carolina School Counseling Association) through presenting and writing. I am excited to be in my fourth year working as a school counselor at RHS. 

How can my school counselor help me?

“I firmly believe that any [person’s] finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that [they] hold dear, is that moment when [they] have worked [their] heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.” - Vince Lombardi