Special Olympics and Unified Champions

The Sea Turtle Team participates in the Wake County Basketball Special Olympics in the fall and the Track and Field Special Olympics in the Spring. Our student athletes practice and train for the events for weeks. They are timed and scored in specially designed events and are heated with other athletes from other schools around Wake County. We just competed in the Basketball Events at Green Rd. Community Center on Dec. 6, 2018 . Our athletes came home with red, blue, yellow and white ribbons and great big smiles on their faces! Parents and family were there to support us. Our next Special Olympic Event will be Track and Field Games on April 24, 2019 at Ravenscroft School on Falls of the Neuse Rd.

Daniels Magnet Middle School participates in the Unified Champion Program that is offered through Special Olympics. The purpose of Unified Champions is to promote social inclusion through intentionally planned and implemented activities affecting systems-wide change. Through events like "Friends Club", our Peer Program, Fans in the Stands, and Spread the Word to End the Word, we provide opportunities that create a school climate where students with disabilities feel welcome and are routinely included in, and feel a part of activities, opportunities and functions in our school community.