Standard III

Teachers know the content they teach.

Pacing Guides

Copy of EL Quarter 1 Planning Document

My team and I meet weekly to discuss and collaborate in our lesson planning. In order to ensure we are teaching all standards, pacing guides are used for each subject. To help plan and pace, I use the NC Common Core standards and CMAPP 2.0 planning tool. Student data and needs are also used to help make the most efficient and effective lesson plans. Above is the Social Studies pacing guide for the first two units.

Copy of Legislative Branch Presentation

Google Slides

Google Slides are created for each lesson. This allows additional resources to be embedded in the lessons, as well as making it easily shareable with my grade level team and students. Google slides also allows for easy editing and collaboration between my grade level team and students.

Copy of M1U1W1 Slides
Copy of lesson 11


The EL curriculum is used for all Language Arts instruction. The rigor of this curriculum encourages critical thinking and challenges students to think deeper about text. This curriculum helps students grow academically across all subject areas, and helps prepare them for the End of Grade test. Attached is a google slides I created of the first few lessons from Module 1. The second google slides shows a lesson from Module 2.

Copy of 20-21 Grade 5: Unit 3 Using Models to Multiply and Divide Fractions


All math lessons are aligned to the NC Common Core Curriculum. In addition to the pacing guides provided by Wake County, CMAPP 2.0 is used to implement instruction. Instruction is differentiated for diverse learners and lessons are planned using student data to accommodate student needs. Above is an example of a Wake County pacing guide for 5th grade math.

Student Work Sample


Wake County provides pacing for the Science Curriculum and lessons are supported by CMAPP 2.0, which provides research based curriculum materials. Science lessons use a variety of materials to support student learning including: videos, Kahoot, Schoolnet, google slides assignments, as well as research projects. Above is a student work sample from the Animal Research Project.

Vertical Alignment

The EL curriculum is used for all Language Arts instruction in grades 3-5. I frequently participate in collaborative planning conversations between all 3-5 EL teachers at EGES. We work together to break down the curriculum, share what we are doing in our classrooms that works well and what we need support in, and we give suggestions on how we can support future instruction.

End of Grade Test Prep

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, I worked with my PLT, as well as third and fourth grade teachers, to review and analyze school wide testing data in order to determine how to best support students in the last quarter. Together we develop effective strategies to help students reach grade level proficiency.

Copy of 5th Grade Schedule