
Link to the Choir Handbook


  1. Be in your seat with your music, pencil and no phone when the bell rings.
  2. Show respect to your peers, your director, your class leaders, for your music and classroom.
  3. Use hand signals to ask for permission to leave your seat.
  4. Stay focused on tasks the entire class.
  5. Practice the MAGIC OF SILENCE when the singing stops.

Further Descriptions/Consequences of these ERPs~

  1. Ligon is huge! However, students must hustle to class. Talk to Mrs. Jensen if you’re coming from a class on the complete opposite end of the building so we can assess. Phones should also be placed in their ‘hotel room’ upon entry. Students are allowed to charge their device while it’s checked in. Failure to obey this device rule will result in the phone being taken for the remainder of the day. On a 2nd occurrence, student will have to call parents to tell them about the infraction. On a 3rd occurrence, student will be written up to the principal.
  2. Expectation #2 will cover any behavior issues that may arise. Mutual respect is a large key to a successful learning environment. Do not touch other students’ folders, backpacks, phones, Ms. Smith’s area, etc. Speak kindly to every student and teacher. Pick up your area and don’t leave trash on the floor.
  3. I rehearse at a fast pace and do not want to be interrupted unless there’s an emergency. Therefore, students will use hand signals to let me know why they are raising their hand. All I will need to do is give a nod or a shake of my head if they’re asking to leave their seat for a pencil, drink, restroom pass, etc. When students follow this procedure, I will know when a hand is raised with a question or comment about the actual topic of study.
  4. Ligon choirs are competitive in nature and this class is not a time to sit back and relax. Many middle schools no longer have choir so work hard with gratitude. No phones are allowed at your seat area. Your backpack will live under your seat or against a wall. Only music and a pencil should be in your hands. Put away make-up, mirrors and any other distractions. Pay attention and give 100% for 45 minutes (or 100 for 45) and just watch how amazingly you will improve. As you improve, the entire choir improves!
  5. Control your vocal cords! If you have comments or questions about what was just sung, raise your hand. When everyone begins to talk and comment aloud, we lose the magical moment of those last pitches ringing in the air and ESPECIALLY, you’re losing the important comments from your director that will take priority over all!!