
The Arts help students express, organize, convey, and comprehend ideas that are often difficult to fully express through other mediums.

Grading Procedures

Find Part Recordings, Theory Workouts, Observations and more through our Google Classroom. Join with these codes:

Boys Honor Choir G-Classroom 8iyazsj

Girls Honor Choir G-Classroom eo19trc

Vocal ensemble G-Classroom 7eqdivu

Apprentice Chorus G-Classroom 2152dl

A. 40% Daily Performance Practice (DPP) = Adherence to daily procedures in class is crucial for developing singers. The musical, technical, and concentration skills they gain from daily classroom practice will become lifelong habits that will help them not only in their singing, but also in other academic and social pursuits. If students are talking, sleeping, eating, applying makeup or doing homework, how can they be singing? I will contact you by either phone or e-mail if your student is struggling in this area. Each week, a student starts with a 75% and can earn 5 point per day to have a 100% by Friday. Points can also be taken away. You should expect nine DPP grades in PowerSchool each quarter. Students will also turn in a self-evaluation of their daily participation and improvement.

B. 30% Concerts/Tests/After School Rehearsals = Attendance at concerts and extra rehearsals is crucial for performing groups. Choral groups need the experience of performing for others. Performing builds the students' self-confidence and gives them the opportunity to share what they have learned with others. Concerts and extra rehearsals are major “tests” for our performing students. Make these concerts and rehearsals a priority so that your child will grow into a confident musician. Please plan doctor/dentist appointments, trips, etc around these important educational events.

If, however, some unforeseen circumstance should arise such as illness or a death in the family, and your child misses a concert, please send a note, call or e-mail me within 2 days Students without parental explanations for missed concerts or rehearsals will receive a grade of 0 for each concert or rehearsal missed and alternative work will be given for the student to raise this grade to passing. Please call or e-mail me if your child needs transportation to a concert. I'll be happy to provide or arrange a ride for him/her. Students should NOT leave early from concerts. Doing so results in a 50% grade deduction.

In addition, sometimes students will be tested on the musical theory concepts they have learned in class. These skills go hand in hand with performance skills and are part of the curriculum. Expect at least one of these major written tests per quarter.

C. 20% Projects/Group work/Quizzes = Quizzes will occur several times per quarter and some are announced, others are surprises so be on your toes. Some are written and some are sung. Most of the sung quizzes are in groups and students will never be asked to sing solo in front of the choir if they’re not comfortable. Sometimes, I may ask students to video or audio record themselves singing their part and then to upload it to the class google drive.

D. 10% Written Classwork = Occasionally, the students will do worksheets to help them with music reading, musical vocabulary or music history. These worksheets help me determine if students have an understanding of the concepts and are ready for a major evaluation.