Curation of Resources

Curation of resources is a vital component to collection management. Regardless of budget, school librarians can work to connect students with relevant, reliable digital resources.

Curation Tools:

For examples of curation using Collections, view the Elementary Collections for EL Units for Modules 1 and 2, Grades 2-5: 

You can make copies of these Collections and personalize them by adding the resources available through your library. See directions here: Making a Copy of a Collection

Evaluating Digital Resources

The digital resources you curate are an important part of your collection. It's important to include them in your collection management plan so that you can be sure you have procedures in place for evaluating those resources periodically. Consider delegating this task to your MTAC members. Grade level or department representatives can help determine if existing curated resources are still relevant, and make recommendations about what resources should be added to curated lists. 

It's important to evaluate the resources you curate to make sure they meet district criteria for safety, privacy, and quality. Consult the Digital Resource Product Library to find resources and tools that meet WCPSS standards.