Survey Information

Survey Questions

  • Name

  • Age

  • What type of music do you listen to the MOST?

a. Country

b. R&B

c. Classical

d. Hip-Hop/Rap

e. Pop

f. Alternative

g. Rock

h. Gospel

i. EDM

  • What would you say your mood is on a daily basis?

a. happy

b. annoyed

c. angry

d. sad

Survey Scenarios

  • You are in class, and you are getting your unit test and unit project grade back. You look at your papers and see that you got an F on both the test and project. Do you...

a. start crying

b. get scared and start getting red in the face

c. start yelling

d. start laughing and smiling

  • You are at the mall and you have been wanting a shirt or a pair of shoes for a long time. They have finally gone on sale, and you are able to buy them now. But they are all sold out already, because you got there late. Do you...

a. start yelling and screaming

b. start crying

  • Your just got finished eating dinner, and your parents are telling you that you have to wash the dishes, also not to mention there are a lot of dishes. Then your parents also tell you that you need to clean your really messy room. Do you...

a. start to whine

b. just go with it

c. start yelling

  • You have been planning a trip with your best friends for weeks and you are so excited. Then you find out a week before the trip that you have a big test the day after the trip was planned, and you have to study. Your parents tell you that you can't go anymore because you have to study a lot. Do you...

a. start crying

b. get really angry and storm to your room

c. accept it and say "Okay, I understand."

Survey Participants

I was able to get 49 participants to complete my survey. Everyone that I got to fill it out was still in high school, and it was a range of ages. I also got both boys and girls to fill out the survey so it would be a comparison of both. Although I did get everyone to put their names in the survey, I am not at liberty to share the names of everyone that has filled out the form for privacy reasons. But I still am able to share the answers and the ages of everyone. Below, I will put a chart of all the ages of the people that filled out my survey.

Participants Ages

-14 yrs.

-5 people

-15 yrs.

-23 people

-16 yrs.

-8 people

-17 yrs.

-11 people

-18 yrs.

-2 people