Hypothesis Result

Can different types of music lead to different psychological responses?


I have found that although most people love listen to all types of music, whatever they listen to can reflect on them and how they act in certain situations. After getting my responses back from my google form, I found that a lot of people liked to listen to fast and upbeat music, while others tend to listen more to slow and meaningful music. This does not mean that whatever music the people chose that they listen to the most, makes them a good or bad person. This just reflects their personality on how they act. Then I also found that most, but not all, people chose to act politely in the situations I gave them in the google form, when some others chose to be rude in some of the situations. This shows how other factors can influence people to act differently in certain situations. And in this case, the factor is the music that people listen to. Below will be my hypothesis result of my research project, and everything that I have learned in this project.


In addition to everything I found and noticed during my project completion, I was able to answer my project question and I believe it is very much accurate. Can different types of music lead to different psychological responses? My answer to this question is yes, and here is my reasoning. From doing this project, I have concluded that no matter what, everybody has a different way of acting out and expressing how they feel in certain situations. Then I realized that if people listened to different types of music, they could answer differently to a situation than someone else would, who listens to a different type of music. So after concluding this project, most people who listened to the more loud and fast music tend to answer more abruptly in some of the situations that you would think are very minimal to get angry over. Then I also found that the people who listened to the softer and meaningful music leaned toward being much more polite in those same types of situations. Though some people's responses were vice-versa than what I just explained. As far as the situations that were a little more important than the others and would make you think that people would get upset over, had a lot of angry responses from all kinds of the music choices. So all this information did lead to me answer yes for this question. This is because I realized that the more upbeat and fast music people listened to, the more they had a negative impact on certain situations that normally wouldn't be interpreted negatively. Also I realized that the more slow, soft and meaningful songs people listened to, the more they had a positive and forgiving impact on the same situations, mentioned in the last paragraph, and the less they were to get angry over the little things. Therefore different music types can lead you to have different psychological responses whether you realize it or not. And to me, music is a very big factor that goes in to how you act and react in certain situations. So remember, every time you choose a certain type of music to listen to, later it could either hurt or help how you act in certain situations. So be cautious when you pick your music from now on!