Previous Research Study Notes

The Effects of Heavy Metal Music on Arousal and Anger

This research included an experiment to use individual differences of subjects as a moderating variable in assessing the influence of heavy metal music on arousal and anger levels self-reported by listeners. They found that heavy metal music aroused all subjects but an increase in people's anger levels were due to listening to heavy metal music and their own musical preference. Overall, listeners who called themselves heavy metal fans did not show higher levels of anger than listeners who did not like heavy metal music. It was proposed that the effects of heavy metal music are influenced by the individual variations between the topics and that the individual factors of the listeners should be taken into consideration when analyzing the effects of heavy metal music.

The Effects of Music on Helping Behavior: A Field Study

A previous study has is shown that music can be used to bring manipulations of mood to such an end. In order to examine this in a naturalistic environment, while working out, 646 users of a university gym played either uplifting or irritating music. They were asked to either sign a petition in support of a fictional sporting charity after finishing their workout or to distribute leaflets on their behalf. With almost all participants offering to assist, responses to the petition-signing measure suggested a ceiling effect. However, uplifting music prompted participants to offer to assist more on the high-cost, leaflet-distributing task than distracting music, consistent with previous research on mood and helping behavior.