SSA at Joyner ES
What does SSA look like at Joyner Elementary?
While the exact details for the SSA Program vary depending on staff availability and schedules, the SSA Program at Joyner ES follows a general format.
Students in every grade except 5th grade physically move to the next grade level for daily instruction in their subject area. In most cases, they do this while their homeroom class is having that same subject. For example, while their third grade homeroom is having math, the third grade SSA student will walk into the fourth grade classroom for math instruction every day. They will then return to their homeroom for the rest of their instruction on the 3rd grade curriculum. Students are in a regular classroom at the next grade level.
Fifth grade students will be instructed using an online format. Their daily instruction will be in an asynchronous math or ELA class. Students will participate in the online class with support from the SSA contacts here at Douglas ES. Students are not placed in a separate class or given live daily instruction. They may work in the back of their classroom wearing headphones during the regular math class time or, if space permits, they can work in the media center. This structure is established at the beginning of the school year between the students, the regular classroom teacher and the SSA contact at the school.
Students are required to take the End-of-Grade math test for the grade level in which they are primarily enrolled.