AIG Testing Information

Nominations for Testing

Parents, students and teachers may nominate a K-5th grade student for testing at any time during the school year. Testing only takes place twice a school year....fall and spring. 

The SBC-GE will meet to consider the data for each nominated student to determine testing eligibility. Nominated students should have a history and current behaviors which support the need for enrichment services. These behaviors can be determined by looking at informal data (parent checklists, teacher checklists, student portfolios with level 4 work) and formal indicators (standardized testing: CogAT, IOWA, EOG and private testing) 

If you would like to nominate your child for testing, please email Heid Bledsoe at

AIG Testing Dates for 2023-2024 School Year

4th & 5th Grade Fall Testing 

3rd Grade CogAT - all students

3rd Grade IOWA for select students

4th & 5th Grade Spring Testing

What is involved with 3rd Grade Testing?