MLA and Editing

MLA Works Cited

Your Works Cited page is made up of citations of all of the sources that you used. The Works Cited is important in order to avoid plagiarism!

Your sources should be listed in alphabetical order.

When you are looking for information from a source in order to create an MLA citation, you need to look for the following information. (Note: You probably won't find ALL of these things! It depends on the type of source.)

  1. Author
  2. Title of Source
  3. Title of Container -- The container is the larger work within which the source is contained. For example, the title of the book, the newspaper, magazine, Website, etc.
  4. Other Contributors - Did someone edit or translate?
  5. Version
  6. Number
  7. Publisher
  8. Publication Date
  9. Location - URL, Pages within book, etc.
MLA Formatting Quick Reference Guide.pdf

MLA Formatting Quick Reference Guide

Purdue OWL (a great place to look up how to cite specific types of sources!)

MLA In Text Citation of Poetry and Drama.pdf

Formatting In-Text Citations