New Student Enrollment


If you cannot register online, please contact Mary Faustyn at 919-380-3033 x 22071.

For more information about enrolling your child in Wake County Public Schools, please visit: WCPSS Enrollment

STEP 1: FIND YOUR BASE SCHOOL: In Wake County, students are assigned to a base school for their home address. Find your base school using our address look-up tool.


STEP 3: BRING THE ENROLLMENT MATERIALS TO YOUR BASE SCHOOL: In order to finalize the registration process, DDMS will review your submission and contact you to schedule an appointment to complete of the enrollment process.

The following documents need to be presented in person at the school in order to complete the registration process even if you have uploaded the document to the online registration:

  1. The original or certified copy of your child's birth certificate.

  2. Proof of your Wake County address, such as:

    • Current water, gas, or electric bill in parent's name that is no more than 30 days old,

    • Newly signed lease that is no more than 60 days old, settlement statement or Offer to Purchase (in limited circumstances)

  3. ​​Photo ID of the parent or legal custodian

  4. Your child's immunization record

  5. Any custody documents

Additional Registration Information

All 7th grade students must provide proof of Tdap and Meningococcal vaccinations.

Students new to NC Public Schools must provide NC Health Assessment completed by a physician.

​​​WCPSS Resources