Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)

The counselors visit classes once a month to do lessons that focus on Social and Emotional Learning Competencies. Students lessons focus on Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Self-Management. Topics include self-confidence, impulse-control, communication, and goal-setting.

Learn more about the SEL Competencies here.

Kindergarten Lessons

Who is the School Counselor?

Expected and Unexpected Behavior


Bucket Filling and Bucket Dipping

Calm Down Strategies

First Grade Lessons

Who is the School Counselor?

Expected and Unexpected Behaviors

Personal Space

What to Do When Someone is Bugging You

Calm Down Strategies

Funny Tummy Feelings

Second Grade Lessons

Tattling or Telling

Zones of Regulation

Helpful or Hurtful?

Coping Strategies

Size of the Problem

Third Grade Lessons

Zones of Regulation

Coping Strategies

Growth Mindset


Test Taking Strategies

Fourth Grade Lessons

Coping Strategies

Conflict Resolution


Test Taking Strategies

Fifth Grade Lessons

Coping Strategies


Career Exploration

Goal Setting

Conflict Resolution

Middle School Transition