Social Studies


Common Practices throughout the Social Studies Department:

Grading Scale:

AP Courses

Major Assessment-- 50%

Minor Assessment-- 30%

Formative Assessment--20%

Honors Courses

Major Assessment-- 45%

Minor Assessment-- 30%

Formative Assessment--25%

Academic Courses

Major Assessment-- 40%

Minor Assessment-- 30%

Formative Assessment--30%

Late Work: Late work (papers, projects) will not be accepted for full credit. Students will have one letter grade deducted for each day late--up to 5 days. After 5 days, the grade converts to a zero. The student may be given the opportunity to do an alternate assignment to help offset the zero grade.

Communication: As a Department, we highly value communicating with our students and parents. We have seen that email is best way to accomplish this. If you have a question regarding something in class:

  1. The student should contact the teacher directly and discuss the issue (in-person if possible)

  2. Student/ parent can email the teacher directly

  3. Parent can email the Department Chair if needed upon completion of the first two steps ( &