Classroom: Our classroom number is 2307 on the 2nd grade hallway.

Arrival/Dismissal: School Hours are from 9:15 am to 3:45 pm. Students are allowed to enter the building at 8:45 am and are considered tardy once the bell rings at 9:15. Please make it a priority to arrive at school on time. Learning begins the moment the students walk into the classroom and if they are late, they are missing part of our curriculum.

Attendance will be taken at 9:20, when instructional time begins. Students arriving after 9:20 will be tardy and need to be signed in at the office by the adult dropping him/her off. Please note that in order to receive credit for attending school, your child must be in school at least a half-day. A half day is considered 12:30 pm.

Absences: It is important that your child attends school daily unless they are sick. A note explaining the absence is required within 2 days of each absence. Per WCPSS policy, absences without a note are marked as unexcused.

Early departure: If your child will be picked up from school early, please send in a note or a quick email the day prior to let us know so that we can be prepared to send your child to the office without a time delay. Students MUST be signed out of the office for early pick no later than 3:15. Any dismissals after 3:15 are not allowed as the office is very busy during this time.

Sick Policy: Children must be fever free, virus free from throwing up, and diarrhea free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. We all wish to stay as healthy as possible so please honor this policy. If your child is sick once they arrive at school, you will be called to pick them up.

Communication: I strongly believe that educating your child is a team effort! I strive to communicate with parents through newsletters, emails, phone calls, notes home, and more. The best way to contact me is via email: You can also reach me on Google Voice (voice mail or text) to 919-446-3017 during the school day. I will make every effort to return your message within a few hours or less. If you ever have any questions or concerns, just let me know!

Every child has a unique background and needs. While we try our best to meet each child’s needs, please inform us if anything comes up at home that is having an impact on their social/emotional health (loss of a pet or family member, irregular sleeping habits, an impending move/divorce/etc.)

Newsletter: A weekly newsletter is sent home in your child's blue communication folder on Mondays . This newsletter will have pertinent information for the upcoming week or next few weeks.

Breakfast: Please make sure your child eats breakfast EVERY morning! Some students will prefer to eat breakfast at home. Breakfast at school, for the entire 2021/2022 school year, is FREE to all students. Please make sure that your child knows that if they don't eat breakfast at home, they need to go straight to the cafeteria as soon as they arrive at school. If your child is arriving via carpool, please arrive at school no later than 8:50 so that the students have time to eat before the bell rings. The cafeteria stops serving breakfast around 9:10. Eating breakfast every morning will help your child’s brain and body be ready to learn.

Lunch: We eat lunch this year from 11:40-12:05. Each child's lunch number is their WCPSS student ID number. If your child is eating lunch at school, please help your child learn his/her lunch number. Lunch for the entire 2021/2022 school year is FREE to all students.

Lunchboxes: If your child is bringing lunch from home, please pack a healthy, balanced lunch and include ice packs. Make sure your child is able to independently open all packages and has the required utensils.

Snack: We will have a short snack time each day. Please send healthy snacks (packed separate from lunch).

Birthdays: Birthdays are a special time. The birthday student will receive a book and a birthday sticker on their special day. You may send in a treat for all of the students if you wish. Per WCPSS policy, the treat has to be store bought. Please contact me a few days in advance if you wish to send in a birthday snack. We can only pass out birthday party invitations if the entire class is invited.

Backpacks: Your child will need to bring a backpack to school everyday. No rolling backpacks please- they don’t fit in our cubbies and are awful for the tile floors! A name tag will be provided by the school identifying your child as a car rider or bus rider. Please make sure the backpack fits a 9X12 folder.

Change of clothes: Each child should have a full change of clothes (including socks and underwear) at school in case of accidents or playground mishaps. These clothes should be in a large zip-lock bag labeled with your child’s name. If your child wears home an item from their change of clothes bag, please send in a replacement item the following school day. I will remind you to seasonally change out the clothes.

Homework: Weekly homework is sent home on Mondays in your child's Homework Folder. Homework consists of a math activity sheet and a fluency reading passage. The math sheet is a review of taught skills and can be worked on throughout the week. The fluency reading passage should be read each night of the week and marked with your child's progress. Directions are sent home with new students. Homework is due back on Friday morning and should be returned in the Homework Folder.

Finished Work: Every week students will bring their finished work (projects, papers, letters, etc.) home in their Friday Folders. Please take the time to look over the work with your child. Please remove all work from the folders and return empty the following school day.

Behavior Policy: Please refer to Bryan Road Elementary's school behavior policy with any questions.

Transportation: If your child has ANY permanent changes or temporary changes (carpool vs bus, going home in a friend's car), please notify me in writing. If you choose to email, please do so by 8:00am to ensure that I see the email. Students WILL NOT be permitted to go home a different way without written permission from their parent or guardian. Please note that this is a countywide policy. All permanent and temporary changes in transportation must be approved by administration. Please note that children are not allowed to ride any bus other than their own (example: no riding home with a friend ON THE BUS for a play-date). Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this policy. Our ultimate goal is to keep your child(ren) safe.

Grading: Wake County uses a Standards-Based grading system. All students receive a grade of 1, 2, 3, or 4 in all core subjects. A 4 means the child exceeded standards expectations, a 3 means they met standards expectations, a 2 means they need support to meet grade level expectations, and a 1 means they are not meeting expectations, even with support.

Money/Cash: If you send money to school for any reason, please place it in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and its purpose.

Medication: If your child needs to be given medication at school, you must have a 1702 Medication Form signed by you and the doctor allowing the school to dispense medicine. An adult must bring the medication to school in the original packaging and additional documentation must be signed in the office. These medication forms are available in the office and are linked above. Children who have serious medical conditions (severe allergies, seizures, diabetes, etc.) must have a health care plan at school. The school health nurse will work with the family and physician to ensure appropriate plans are in place.

Volunteers: (WAITING ON THE 21/22 SCHOOL YEAR UPDATE TO SEE IF VOLUNTEERS ARE ALLOWED) WE LOVE VOLUNTEERS!!! We love to have parents come in for centers, field trips, and special events. Please take the time to fill out our volunteer sheet to let me know what you are interested in volunteering for. If you are interested in volunteering you must also register at school to have your background check completed. I encourage everyone to do this at the beginning of school so that you will be ready when special events and field trips come around. (It takes our background system several weeks to complete the check.)