Homework is an expectation at Bryan Road Elementary and all second grade students are given the same homework activities. Weekly homework is sent home on Mondays in your child's Homework Folder. Homework consists of a math activity sheet and a fluency reading passage.

The math sheet is a review of taught skills and can be worked on throughout the week.

The fluency reading passage should be read by the student each night of the week and marked with your child's progress. I explained to the students that the fluency passages should be read in a quiet location free of distractions. The fluency passages will need to be completed with adult support. A one minute timer should be set and the student will read for exactly one minute. You will mark where they stopped reading after the one minute by drawing a line at their last word read. On Monday night, you will mark the stopping point with the word Mon. Each night, you will mark with the day of the week (Tue, Wed, Thur) where they stopped reading. The goal, over time, is to see an increase in the amount of words read correctly.

Homework is due on Friday morning and should be returned in the Homework Folder.

Homework is checked for accuracy and students will correct any errors during our morning work time.

I appreciate your support in helping your student with homework!