About Me

My name is Megan Peterson and I am a 5th grade teacher at Fox Road Magnet Elementary School in Raleigh, NC. I grew up in Western New York and moved to Raleigh in 2012. I LOVE sailing and spoiling my nieces and nephews. I am so honored to have been able to participate in the Kenan Fellows Program. I am passionate about making STEM education EASY and preparing our students for the future! I would love to hear all about your STEM Club adventures. Follow me on Twitter @missmpeterson!

I had many cheerleaders as I went through the Kenan Fellow Program including my administration and colleagues at school, the Fox Road 5th grade team, Kenan Fellows staff, friends, and my family. Thank you all for your LOVE and SUPPORT as I took this path! A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Amy Schott and Dr. Linda Robinson who first put the bug in my ear about this opportunity and then committed to helping me as advisors of our STEM Club. Mondays would not have been the same without you ladies! Thank you to Betsy Jordan for allowing me to share her lesson on Coastal Ecosystems in North Carolina. An EXTRA thank you goes to Mr. Peter Damroth, a dear friend and former teammate who is going to help me take this GLOBAL and try some of these activities at his school in China. This has been a wonderful experience because of all our your support!

About My Mentor

Phaedra Boinodiris works at IBM as a Serious Gaming/Gamification Global Leader. She led the creation of our Design Thinking and Chatbots for Good course. A huge thank you to Phaedra for being passionate about preparing our next generation for their futures!