SSL Hours with CSBB/Orchestra

We provide Student Service Learning Hour opportunities for grades 7-12.

Typical opportunities for earning Student Service Learning Hours through the CSBB/Orchestra include:

  • June (after school closes) - Instrumental department inventory, music library, organization and painting music stands, etc.

  • July or August (Clear Spring Carnival week) - Food/Lemonade stand fundraiser, may choose merits OR SSL hours as approved by Band Boosters

  • August through October - Lining and/or re-lining the practice field - Sign up here!

  • September - Fall Bingo fundraiser, students may choose merits OR SSL hours as approved by Band Boosters

  • February - Spring Bingo fundraiser, students may choose merits OR SSL hours as approved by Band Boosters

  • March - Lion's Club Show assistance/performance participation

  • May - Bonanza setup fundraiser, students may choose merits OR SSL hours as approved by Band Boosters

  • Other opportunities arise...

Students also have the opportunity to earn SSL Hours through the Maryland Symphony Orchestra:

Both band-/orchestra-members and non-band-/orchestra-members are eligible to earn SSL Hours with us.

Do you have questions? SEE MRS. PRICE!