COVIDfest 2020

COVID Festival 2020

COVIDfest was a CKMS & Mano A Mano show to support local musicians during COVID-19. Artists came together with recently recorded live version of songs or some currently edited music videos.

This festival concert lasted 5+ hours and was streamed live to The newly names CKMS Youtube Page. You can see the video podcast on the YouTube link here.

The Gandharvas

Robot Apocalypse

Wax Mannequin

Bobcat Bartolo - The Liberation

All Weather Haulage

The Smile Case

Audio Boffins

Pick A Piper

Wasting Space

Kristian Kaspersen


One Eyed Oracle

Eddy Cabral

TruNorth Tribute

Piano on the Patio

Woody Woodburn

Willy Nilly