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Washington School collaborates to provide students with a rigorous, relevant, and engaging school experience. We value language and literacy acquisition, the ability to problem solve and think critically. Washington students access the world through books, appropriate use of technology, and project-based learning. Art and music are essential in our quest to prepare our students to be leaders of the 21st century. Part of the Dolphin's critical mindset is collaborating with parents to ensure students learn at their potential and feel a part of the school community. Providing a voice to parents, guardians, students, teachers, and staff is an essential tenet of our framework. At Washington Elementary, the principal and instructional leaders collaborate monthly with our head of the advocacy group and school site council to provide them with transparency and resources to achieve their parent group goals. 

Washington Elementary is an award-winning 2016 Gold Ribbon School located in Point Richmond, California. We are the oldest Dual Language Immersion English-Spanish elementary school in the West Contra Costa Unified School District


This advisory group made up of parents/guardians and district leaders dedicated to promoting quality education for African American/Black students. 


The PTA at Washington is a very active group of parents and teachers. They put on a variety of community events as well as help raise funds for areas of need around the school.