Welcome to the African American Parent Advisory Council

We are an advocacy group made up of families of African-American students, the school staff, and community members who are committed to the academic success and awareness of our African-American student body. We will provide advice and requests to the school principal and staff on programs and services that can improve academic outcomes for African-American students in our school community.


There is a significant achievement and opportunity gap separating our African-American students. Parental involvement in school has been demonstrated to be a major key factor for children’s academic outcomes. Regardless of income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to earn higher grades, enroll in higher-level programs, develop enhanced social skills and behaviors and adaptability.

The purpose of AAPAC is to work with the school to identify needs and opportunities for African American/Black students to achieve academically at high levels, and to identify strategies and resources that will eliminate barriers to their achievement. Our Black parents/guardians have so much wisdom to bring to the table to ensure the success of your Kings and Queens in the classroom.


First of all, you should do it because you care for and love your child, and want them to achieve academic excellence. It is well documented that African American students perform at higher levels in school when their parent/guardian is engaged in their learning efforts. I do not know of any African American/Black parent or guardian who doesn’t want their child to do well. I have discovered that what has been missing is providing the parent/guardian with the appropriate opportunity and tools that will enable them to become advocates for their Kings and Queens.

To get involved, we ask that you do three simple things:


Subscribe to get meeting reminders, receive meeting minutes, updates on AAPAC goals, opportunities for your student, and updates on events and calls to action.