Know Your Math Facts

Do you know your math facts?

  • If not, make time every day to practice online or offline, alone or with a friend.
  • Strong mastery of math facts helps students to grasp higher level math concepts with ease.
  • Strengthening and practicing math facts over the summer months is a good way to prepare for the third, fourth, and fifth grade math programs. Take a look at the following suggestions and resources to guide your practice.
    • First, Watch this film to learn how to learn your math facts! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
    • Next, know that a math fact foundation is integral to students' math progress. We use the following system to solidify students' fact skill.
      • The Computation Ladder provides a researched order for facts study and mastery.
      • Warm-up with paper/pencil Fact Pages and online practice using That Quiz, Xtra Math, or SumDog.
      • Practice for about 15-minutes a day until you master 100 facts of each operation, and 100 facts of mixed operations in 5 minutes or less.
      • Study and make your own Facts Chart
      • Weekly or bi-weekly tests, progress charts, and incentives encourage progress.
      • Intervene and help for students who struggle using many tools, strategies, and teachers.
      • Flocabulary has memorable fact hip hop videos.
      • Enrichment study by mixing facts and including variables.

Grade-Level Math Fact Review Includes the Following: