Numerical Reasoning

Lesson One:

What are math operations? Why are they called operations?

1. Make a model that shows what the math operations do. Use pictures, numbers, and words in your model. You may draw your model or create your model online. Be prepared to share your model with the class and explain what your pictures, numbers, and words show.

Lesson Two:

What is the difference between an expression and an equation?

  • 7 + 5
  • 7 + 5 = 12

When an expression has more than one operation symbol, there are rules to help you figure out how to evaluate (solve) that expression. The rules are oftened remembered with the acronym below.

LL1. Watch the order of operations video

2. Practice using order of operations by making 10 expressions equal to 36 that use the following:

  • at least two different operations
  • at least one set of parenthesis
  • check in with the teacher when done, then work on learning menu activities.

Lesson Three

What words do we connect with the operations? What words mean add? What words mean subtract? What words mean divide? What words mean multiply? Work for a few minutes with a partner to add words to the operation word grid.

Lesson Four

Review order of operations, expressions, and equations.

Ask students to work with partners to create 10 expressions using words alone that equal 48. Each expression must include the following:

  • two different operations
  • an expression with numbers and operation symbols that matches the word operations

Check in with the teacher, then work on the online learning menu.

Lesson Five

What is an exponent? How does an exponent work?

Review exponents with the class, then practice on your own or with a partner with paper/pencil and using That Quiz online.

Lesson Six - Seven

Introduce Graspable - students work on Graspable

Lesson Eight

Work with partner to complete the Four 4's Exercise

Lesson Nine

Introduce Khan Academy

Lesson Ten

Numerical Reasoning Performance Assessment

Lesson Eleven

Test your knowledge by taking this quiz as many times as you'd like to make sure you've learned the target information.

Practice more with learning menu practice.

Lesson Twelve


Additional activities below:

  • Introduction to Marcy Cook Tiles

Related Information to be reviewed later in the year:

Notes for PEMDAS -- Remember "parentheses" in PEMDAS stands for all brackets (see image below), some people prefer the acronym GEMDAS where "G" stands for grouping. While we don't always use the order specified by PEMDAS or GEMDAS, it is considered a "rule of thumb" that is mostly used--the related variations are easy to understand once you practice evaluating numerical expressions.

Floor to Ceiling Exploration: Four 4's

True or False: Create a number of cards with numerical expressions. Students work in teams to determine what is true or false.

Use Graspable Math