Small Group Instruction

Small Group Instruction Policy

1. Each student will be required to attend small group instruction.

a. Small Group Instruction (lesson) times will be assigned by the instructor in a 6-day rotating cycle. Each quarter, you will receive a scheduled time along with a calendar of the 6-day rotation (A1, B2, A3, B4, A5, B6). You will be encouraged to highlight your lesson days and keep the calendar in your music folder or locker to refer to it when needed.

b. Small Group Instruction is designed to examine your vocal technique, improve your music literacy, and assess your in class work. Small groups give your instructor the opportunity to examine your vocal technique to be sure that you are using your voice in a healthy way. It is also a time to further your music literacy and overall music growth.

b. If you are absent from your instruction time, you must make it up WITHIN ONE 6-DAY CYCLE. Consult the teaching schedule at the front of the room to find a time when other members of your choir are having a lesson and join them. You may also ask Ms. Petroff after class if you need help finding an appropriate time to reschedule.

c. The music technology lab may be utilized occassionally during your small group instruction time to complete valualbe music literacy and ear training activities. If you miss one of these lessons, you may make up the assignment on your own time. You must sign in with Ms. Petroff, complete the task, and fill out a completion form.

d. Be sure to attend your song evaluation!! The last lesson before a concert will be devoted to song evaluations. You will sing through each of your pieces and your accuracy will be graded on a 10-point scale. This is a large component of your grade and may not be made up for full credit after the concert has taken place.

2. Students will sign out of study hall to attend their small group time.

a. Go to study hall and sign out with your study hall teacher to the choir room.

b. Walk quickly to the choir room and write your name on the board when you arrive.

c. After or before your scheduled time, you may study quietly in the choir room, you may study your music in a practice room, or you may use the tech lab to complete homework.

d. If you cannot stay on task, you will be returned to study hall.

Practice Room Policy

1. If you do not have scheduled instruction time, you are still welcome to sign out to the choir room, but you must commit to rehearsing for at least 30 minutes during a 90 minute period.

2. Only one person is allowed in a practice room at a time, unless you are working on a duet or trio.

3. Homework is not allowed in the practice room.

4. If you are not practicing effectively during your study hall, you may loose the privilege of signing out to the music suite.