Tiered Interventions & Supports

Academic Interventions (SRBI)

WHS offers several academic interventions for students in need of support in Literacy, Mathematics, or other content related areas.  Placement in these courses is based on student need through the WHS STAT Team.  The STAT Team consists of school counselors, behavioral/mental health support staff, core content area teacher representation, and administration.  Students will be referred to the STAT Team by their teacher and/or school counselor.  Parents who have concerns about their child's progress should speak to the appropriate teacher or school counselor to discuss if a referral to the STAT Team is appropriate.  

The following intervention courses are available at WHS and earn 0.5 credits per semester.

Special Education

The Waterford High School Special Education Program supports students identified through the Planning and Placement Team process as having a disability defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).  The Special Education Program assists students in accessing the general education curriculum while supporting each student’s individual needs as identified in the student’s Individualized Education Plan (I.E.P.).  Students receiving special education services are determined to be eligible for services until exit criteria is met or as determined by the P.P.T. process.  The Special Education Program at Waterford High School assists students in acknowledging their unique individual abilities and learning needs while encouraging each student to become independent life-long learners, as well as, assisting each student’s transition from Waterford High School to post-secondary and/or career opportunities.