Course Offerings

Courses shaded in blue indicate opportunites for students to earn college credit through AP (Advanced Placement), ECE (Early College Experience) or other programs through partnerships with local colleges and universities.  See each course for details.


These courses may count towards the Fine and Vocational Arts (FVA), STEM, Humanities (HUM), or open elective credit requirements.  

Please check each course for the specific credit type awarded.


Course # WAN011

Credit: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this class, students will apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design (tools an artist uses to create art) to create compositions utilizing a variety of media such as tempera, watercolor and acrylic. Color theory as well as the movements and styles of realism, abstract, still life, and landscape will be taught. A variety of sculptural materials will be utilized (some found in an art store, some from your recycle bin) to construct a variety of different types of sculptures from relief to sculpture in the round. Creativity and imagination are paramount! 


Course # WAN012 

Credit: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this class, students will apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design (tools an artist uses to create art) to create compositions utilizing a variety of media such as tempera, watercolor and acrylic. Color theory as well as the movements and styles of realism, abstract, still life, and landscape will be taught. A variety of sculptural materials will be utilized (some found in an art store, some from your recycle bin) to construct a variety of different types of sculptures from relief to sculpture in the round. Creativity and imagination are paramount! 


Course # WAN013 

Credit: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this foundations course, students will explore both the medium of printmaking and the medium of collage. In the first quarter, printmaking processes and techniques including frottage, collagraph, monoprinting, relief, intaglio, and screen printing will be introduced. Emphasis will be placed on craftsmanship, creativity and original design concepts involved in producing artwork. 

In the second quarter, the art and history of collage will be explored while creating both 2D and 3D pieces. Non-Objective and Realistic imagery will provide students with inspiration. Creativity, experimentation and expression will be encouraged through the process. In both printmaking and collage, students will learn how to apply the elements of art and the principles of design while creating their original images and designs. Sketchbooks will be used to explore ideas and plan compositions through thumbnail sketches, project exercises and refinement of ideas and compositions. All students will be required to do self-evaluations of their artwork. 



PREREQUISITE: any Art Exploration course

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

This course will broaden your knowledge and experience with media, materials, and techniques learned in Art Exploration.  Printmaking will be introduced as students create an image on a surface that can be duplicated through the printing process.  The focus will be on developing one's style, imagination, and creative ideas through experimenting with the art process.  Thinking outside the box is highly encouraged and problem solving is a must!



PREREQUISITE: any Art Exploration course

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this course, students will apply the Elements and Principles of Art as they continue their exploration of making three-dimensional works of art in clay, paper mache, plaster, wire, celluclay, collage and recycled materials. Some pieces will be functional and will serve a specific purpose while others may be purely sculptural or nonfunctional. Students will learn about the history behind art-making and think about why they create their own work. Mobiles and/or stabiles may also be made. Creative ideas and imagination are imperative! 




CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this course, students will use 2D media to further develop their own personal artistic style. Students are challenged to solve visual art problems and will draw upon their knowledge of the Elements and Principles of Art as well as the techniques learned in previous art classes to find unique answers. Oil painting is introduced, boundaries will be stretched and risk taking will be encouraged. Individualized guidance will be given so the focus of this class will be to produce a body of work that showcases your developing vision as an artist. For those considering further study in art, this class will provide the opportunity to build a portfolio.




CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this course, students use 3D media to further develop their personal artistic styles. They will be challenged to solve visual art problems and draw upon their knowledge of the Elements and Principles of Art as well as the techniques learned from previous art classes to find unique answers. Installations as an art form may also be introduced. Boundaries will be stretched and individualized guidance will be given so the focus of this class will be to produce a body of work that showcases a student’s developing vision as an artist. For those considering further study in art, this class will provide the opportunity to build a portfolio.


Course #  WAN024

Prerequisite: 2D Art III

Credit:  ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

This course will run concurrently with 2D Studio Art III when necessary and be run similarly to an independent study. 

Students will further advance their two-dimensional skills and techniques in various drawing, painting and printmaking media as decided by both teacher and students on an individual basis to personalize the course based on student interests, strengths and weaknesses. Students will be challenged to solve visual art problems and will draw upon their knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design as well as techniques they have learned from previous art classes to find unique and personal answers. Boundaries will be stretched even further from 2D Studio Art III, as students will choose a direction of focus to study, such as style, media and/or subject matter. Students will create the study exercises and rubrics to go along with their chosen projects. Individualized guidance will be given and the focus of the class will be to produce a body of work that showcases each student’s developing style and vision as an artist. For those considering further study in art, this class will provide the opportunity to build a portfolio. 


Course # WAN034

Prerequisite: 3D Art III

Credit: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

This semester course will run concurrently with 3D Studio Art III when necessary and be run similarly to an independent study. 

In this course, students will further advance their three-dimensional skills and techniques in various sculpting media. Students will be challenged to solve visual art problems and will draw upon their knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design as well as techniques they have learned from previous art classes to find unique and personal answers. Students will choose a focus of study, such as style, media and/or subject matter based on personal interests, strengths and weaknesses and will create a challenging body of work throughout the semester. Students will develop the study exercises and rubrics to align with their projects. Individualized guidance will be given as students develop their personal styles and visions as artists. The culminating event will be a personally curated show of the student’s artwork. Students will also include an artist’s statement for a meaningful and authentic art experience that aligns with the National Art Standards. For those considering further study in art, this class will provide the opportunity to build a portfolio.


Course # WAN003 

Credit: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this introductory course, students will explore creative design, imagery and expression in functional art pieces. Art forms from various cultures using a variety of media such as paper, textile, fibers/fabric, wood, mosaic and multimedia design will be studied. Emphasis will be placed on craftsmanship, creativity and design concepts involved in producing artwork using a variety of media. Sketchbooks will be utilized for exploring ideas and planning compositions. The Elements of Art and Principles of Design will be introduced, learned and used with each project. All students will be required to do selfevaluations of artwork as part of the process of creating artwork. 


Course # WAN004 

Credit: ½ credit (FVA, HUM)

In this introductory course, students will explore creative design, imagery and expression. Students will begin the course by constructing, binding and embellishing a one of a kind book to be used as their visual journal throughout this course. A wide variety of concepts, exercises, and methods will be introduced to fill the pages of this book while learning about possible two and three dimensional techniques to be used to create a theme based altered book. This class is designed for the creative thinker who enjoys experimentation with media and materials as well as thinking “outside the box”. The Elements of Art and Principles of Design will be introduced and woven into the pages of the books. All students will be required to do self-evaluations of artwork as part of the process of creating artwork. 

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                Digital Art and Design


COURSE # 580 


This course will serve as an introduction to anyone interested in photography. Students will learn how to use a DSLR camera and apply the elements of art and principles of design as well as the rule of thirds in order to take successful photographs. Students will use the Adobe Suite to enhance and organize their craft. 


COURSE # 581 

PREREQUISITE: Photography 


Students will build upon the skills they learned in the level I course and be challenged with more in depth photo assignments and manipulations. Students will use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to enhance their photographs to a professional level. In class AND at home effort is expected. 



CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, STEM, HUM)

In this course the computer becomes the artist’s tool rather than a pencil or paintbrush. The Adobe suite (Photoshop and Illustrator) will be introduced as well as Wacom tablets. Exploration and experimentation will be encouraged as students apply the elements of art and principles of design to create digital designs. Artists, styles and art movements will be interwoven into lessons and projects. No previous experience required. 



PREREQUISITE: Digital Art and Design I 

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, STEM, HUM)

In this course students will build upon knowledge in the Adobe suite gained from the introductory course. Exploration and risk taking is highly encouraged. Students will be challenged to develop unique and personal pieces using the Principles of Design.This course will particularly focus on design oriented units such as logos, typography, and promotional materials for social media marketing. 

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Career and Technical Education

Business, Family & Consumer Science, and Technology Education

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These courses all count towards the Fine and Vocational Arts (FVA) or open elective credit requirments.  Some may also count towards STEM credits as individually noted.

BUSINESS 101:  Introduction to Business


CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA)

In this one-semester class, students are introduced to the dynamic world of business. Students learn a variety of managerial skills, procedures, and management topics that are necessary to oversee and operate a successful business. Fundamental concepts related to economic, legal, and social topics are presented, along with information on organizing a business, marketing products, and providing services. This course serves as a prerequisite for Entrepreneurship and Business Management II. 

BUSINESS 102:  Marketing and Branding


PREREQUISITE: Business 101

CREDIT: 0.5 credit (FVA, STEM)

This is an engaging and dynamic half year course designed to introduce students to the exciting world of marketing and branding. In this course, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and techniques that drive successful business and marketing campaigns and establish strong brand identities. We will explore the fascinating world of creating, promoting, and managing successful brands through hands on real world scenario projects, simulations, and industry expert guest speakers. By the end of the semester, students have will gained practical skills, a strategic mindset, and solid foundation in business.

BUSINESS 103Sports Marketing and Entertainment


PREREQUISITE: Business 102

CREDIT: 0.5 credit (FVA, STEM)

Do you like sports? Do you enjoy following the latest Hollywood trends? This course highlights and reinforces  the principles of marketing, and merchandising learned in Business 101; and Marketing & Branding 102.  Through the fast-growing areas of sports and entertainment we will explore the seven functions of marketing (selling, promotion, distribution, pricing, marketing information systems, products and service management, and financing). You will learn how marketers use sports agents, sponsorships, and public relations tools to attract an audience. This course will give students the opportunity to become familiar with the many careers in the ever-growing field of sports and entertainment. You complete real world scenario projects, simulations, listen to guest speakers, and participate in field experiences that will give you the hands on experience you’re looking for!

*Course will be offered in the Spring Semester only


COURSE # 519 

PREREQUISITE: Junior or senior standing 

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is essential for all students interested in acquiring basic financial skills for everyday living. Topics will include: checking accounts, aspects of credit cards, tax forms, ATM cards, savings and investment plans, types of loans, and overall money management. Students will learn by using simulations, field trips (including the Federal Reserve and the New York Stock Exchange) and guest speakers.


COURSE # 539/549 

CREDIT: 1 credit (FVA)

In this course, students complete a career search, develop a portfolio, formulate a resume and cover letter, complete job/college/scholarship applications as well as develop successful interviewing, leadership, and team building skills. Students research and plan for internships not normally available to high schools students, such as L & M Hospital, Pfizer, Mohegan Sun, school systems, insurance companies, newspapers, engineering firms, law firms, judicial buildings, and college campuses. Internships start in second semester and class schedules are modified as much as possible to accommodate the internship. A worksite supervisor mentors students during that time and the classroom teacher will visit all worksites. For further information contact

It is mandatory for students to provide their own transportation to and from the worksite. You must complete the first semester course work with at least a 75% average and may not have more than six absences to be eligible for the second semester internship portion. 


COURSE #502 

PREREQUISITE: 10th, 11th, or 12th grade standing and completion of Business 101

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA)

This course will help take you step by step through the entire process of owning and operating your own business. A large and important aspect of owning and operating a business is creating and developing a solid business plan. This course will show you how to develop and pursue such plans.

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                   Family and Consumer Science

These courses could count toward either Fine and Vocational Arts (FVA), Humanities (HUM), STEM, or open elective credit requirements.

Each course is specifically noted for credit type based on the curriculum provided.


COURSE # 602 

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, STEM)

This introductory course provides students with knowledge and skills in the world of food and nutrition. Instruction in this course will be on basic skills needed in food preparation, measurements, food safety, sanitation and nutrition. Students will learn to precisely follow a complex multistep procedure when carrying out recipes, taking measurements and determining the meaning of key words and phrases in cooking and baking. You will learn about nutrition and healthy eating habits, Mise en Place skills, how to read and follow directions along with working cooperatively with team members. These are skills needed in the future and in the world of work. 

This course is a prerequisite for all other food related courses.


COURSE # 643 

PREREQUISITE: Culinary Essentials

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, STEM)

The Bake Shoppe course offers a broad array of baking and pastry practical experience. This semester class will introduce students to a variety of dough and batters such as breads, cakes, muffins, pies, biscuits, scones, pastries and other elegant desserts. Attention to detail, eye-hand coordination and artistic flair are key skills for those interested in baking and pastry. Students will explore baking techniques and attain an in-depth knowledge of how different ingredients function together. They will also engage actively in cooperative work to accomplish specific tasks such as preparing baked goods for open houses, special occasions and holidays; along with selling products to faculty members.


COURSE # 642 

PREREQUISITE: Culinary Essentials

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, STEM)

During this semester course, students learn about foods from Canada, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and more. They will discover each country’s distinct dishes as well as the different factors that influence the types of foods people eat. Students will research customs and traditions of foreign countries and prepare foods from around the world.


COURSE # 607 

PREREQUISITE: Culinary Essentials

CREDIT: 1 credit (FVA, STEM)

A career in the restaurant and food service industry is a profession. If you are interested in a career in this field, then this course is for you. Culinary ProStart I is the first year of a two year program where you will gain in-depth knowledge of culinary skills and customer service skills. Units of study include kitchen essentials, workplace safety, stocks, sauces and soups, fruits and vegetables, pastas and grains, along with communication skills, management essentials and serving guests. There are over 90,000 students across the nation who participates in the Pro-Start program.

NOTE: Students may earn college credit from Johnson & Wales University through successful completion of the two-year ProStart program at WHS 


COURSE # 608 

PREREQUISITE: ProStart I and teacher permission 

CREDIT: 1 credit (FVA, STEM)

This is the second course covering the Foundations of Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts’ Pro-Start Program. Students advance their knowledge of food preparation, creating and planning menus, and marketing techniques. Pro-Start II students will create a cooking show and be involved in numerous in-class cooking competitions. They will prepare different cuts of meats, poultry, seafood, breakfast foods and sandwiches along with some desserts labs. As a result of participating in this program, Pro-Start students will have a competitive advantage as they embark upon careers or higher education in the food service industry.

NOTE: Students may earn college credit from Johnson & Wales University through successful completion of the two-year Pro-Start program at WHS 


COURSE # 622 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, HUM)

This year-long course is an introduction to the study of children from conception through age three.  The course examines physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth across childhood.  Topics include family, relationships, choosing a partner, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting the growing child in today’s society.  Students will learn parenting techniques, feeding, bathing, disciplining and promoting a child’s creativity through play.  Contraception, STIs, abortion, and teenage are also discussed.  Students experience the “joys” of parenting by having a computerized baby over a weekend.  


COURSE # 633 

PREREQUISITE:  Completion of Child Development (with B or better), teacher recommendation, and Jr. /Sr. standing only

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, HUM)

This college level course is the equivalent of Three Rivers Community College “Introduction to Early Childhood Education”.  The Three Rivers textbook and curriculum are utilized.  This course introduces students to a study of the historical, anthropological, psycho­logical, philosophical, and social perspectives of early care and education for children ages 0-8.  The course acquaints students with trends in educational set­tings including the organization, history, and governance of American schools.  The course includes the study of child development, learning models, and the multiple roles in the early childhood edu­cation profession.


This course is highly recommended for students who are preparing for careers in education, family studies, social work, health and human services.


Students are eligible to receive 3 credits from Three Rivers Community College when both parts of this course are completed with a C or better.


COURSE # 634 

PREREQUISITE: C or better in Early Childhood Education: Part 1, teacher recommendation, and Jr. /Sr. standing only

CREDIT: ½ Credit  (FVA)

During this course students will complete an internship at an elementary school in the district.   Students will have the opportunity to work with a cooperating teacher in a PK – 5th grade classroom during the scheduled class period.  Students will participate in the care, guidance, and education of young children in an early childhood classroom.  They will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages.  Strategies for creating a child-centered approach to learning will be practiced including the use of space, materials, relationships, and routines.  Students will take on a leadership role and be responsible for planning, implementing, teaching and evaluating developmentally appropriate activities for small groups.  Seminar will be held twice monthly to review assignment practices and discuss experiences at the elementary school.


COURSE # 629 

CREDIT: ½ credit (FVA, STEM)

Fashion Design is a semester course that will advance your knowledge of design through the elements and principles of fashion.    Students will utilize the design process to demonstrate creativity and design experimentation through various projects.  The history of fashion, clothing terminology, and occupations in the fashion industry will be studied.  Students will practice fashion sketching, color theory, and simple sewing.    This course provides a base for students who are interested in pursuing a career in fashion, design, textiles or art.


COURSE # 620 

PREREQUISITE: Senior standing 

CREDIT: 1 credit (FVA, STEM)

This year long course is designed to prepare students for adulthood.   Students will explore careers and prepare for a future job search, including writing a resume, cover letter, and practicing the interview process.  Students will learn the basics of budgeting, taxes, managing credit, acquiring housing, purchasing a car, financing and loans.  Interpersonal relationships, self-development, decision making, communication, time and personal management will also be discussed. 

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               Technology Education

These courses count towards the Fine and Vocational Arts (FVA), STEM, or open elective credit requirements.

Introductory courses that are one semester may be taken at any time, as they have no prerequisites. They may be elected separately or taken in any combination. Students must take the introduction course as a prerequisite for the advanced course. Advanced courses in the same area may be taken during sophomore, junior, and senior years, as each advanced level builds upon prior course content.


COURSE # 550 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is designed to teach students the safe and proper use of woodworking machines and tools while processing rough lumber from a raw material into a finished project/product. Students will learn about project design and draw basic plans for their projects. This laboratory class will be taught with a hands-on approach while emphasizing shop safety at all times. This is a semester course offered to students in grades 9 – 12.


COURSE # 554 

PREREQUISITE: Woodworking 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is designed to further the student's abilities and techniques in using wood as an artistic and functional medium. Major emphasis will be placed on design & wood layout, proper use of woodworking tools and machinery and shop safety. With each year of advanced woodworking, students will be given the opportunity to further develop their skills on an individual basis. Students will be taught from a laboratory, handson approach with the freedom to create custom projects. Students will be expected to demonstrate logical thinking and problem-solving skills. This course is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

This course may be repeated for credit.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is designed to develop knowledge of automotive design, construction and operation. Students are lead, component by component, through basic auto systems, building a sound understanding of each system and its function in the automobile. The course will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach through the use of demonstration models and "live" automobiles.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, STEM)

Students with the basic knowledge of the various automotive systems will learn how to service, troubleshoot and repair modern automobiles. It teaches essential skills, encourages the development of good work habits and stresses safety. With each year of Advanced Auto Mechanics, the students will be able to expand their knowledge on an individual basis. Advanced Automotive Engineering is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12, who will have the option to earn college credit through CT State Gateway Campus.

Recommendation: Completion of Automotive Engineering with a B or better or teacher recommendation.

This course may be repeated for credit.


COURSE # 571 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is designed to introduce the student to drafting as a graphic and engineering language. Emphasis will be placed upon the elements within the language such as proper line work, lettering, dimensioning and measurement. Students will be exposed to two-dimensional drawing, Orthographic Projection, Isometric Projection, and will explore drafting techniques on a CAD system. The class will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach utilizing both the drafting machine and the computer as a communication tool.


COURSE # 575 

PREREQUISITE:  Completion of Drafting I with a C or better

CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course was developed for the student who has shown an interest in the drafting field. Instruction will be given in creating different types of two and three-dimensional drawings, geometric constructions, auxiliary drawings, sectional drawings, developments, and marine drafting primarily on the CAD platform. Students will be taught from a hands- on, problem solving approach. CAD 2 is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12, who have the option to earn college credit through College and Career Pathways.


COURSE # 579 

PREREQUISITE:  Completion of Drafting/CAD II with a C or better

CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is for the student who has shown an interest in drafting and CAD, and would like to further his/her knowledge in that area. The student in this course will be introduced to construction theories, architectural sectional drawings, architectural floor and site planning /design, and architectural CAD. In addition, the student may be instructed in the use of the builder’s level and transit. Students will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach. Architectural Drafting is open to students in grades 11 and 12, who have the option to earn college credit through College and Career Pathways.


Any senior who has completed Drafting I may select this course with teacher recommendation.


COURSE # 577 

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion Architectural Drafting

CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is for the student who has demonstrated both interest and skill in the Drafting and CAD area. This class provides the student with the opportunity to apply acquired drafting skills to real-world problems in our community. Students should expect to work on an independent project which should both provide challenges and practical experience. Students will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach. This class is open only to seniors. 


COURSE # 582 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

In this course students will be exposed to the various elements of graphic communication. Students will learn silk screen printing, which is a very popular and fun method of printing on such products like tee shirts and greeting cards. They will also learn various methods of desktop publishing, including the design and layout of various types of advertisements, business cards, and greeting cards culminating in a unit on graphic animation.


COURSE # 587 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This will cover basic construction and engineering principles and practices. Emphasis will be placed on design, geometric theories, construction and evaluation/testing. Some projects may include bridges, roof trusses, cantilever beams, geodesic domes, residential wall framing, towers, pneumatic structures and concrete work. This class will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach.



PREREQUISITE: Construction Engineering

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This full-year course will cover advanced Engineering and problem solving strategies. Based upon that infamous scene from Apollo 13, “Houston, we have a problem,” students will be given a box of items at the start of the course which will be the only materials they will have to solve a variety of problems. These problems may include, but not be limited to: moving an object, building vehicles, designing and plumbing hydraulic systems, purifying water, generating and storing electrical energy, and exploring “green” engineering systems. This class will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach.


COURSE: # 589

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is designed to introduce the student to the highly technical and profitable world of residential construction. Major emphasis will be placed on design, layout of lumber, construction principles and practices, the importance of simple geometry & mathematics and hands-on lab work. Students will be instructed from a hands-on, problem solving approach. It is the aim of this course to complete a storage shed as a class project.


COURSE # 588 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This semester course, geared toward any student with interests in engineering or construction, will introduce students to the technical and profitable career of the land surveyor. Students will learn basic land surveying principles, the use and care of instruments and tools, and finally how to use collected fieldwork to solve basic problems and/or generate maps. Emphasis will be placed on performing horizontal, vertical, and angular measurement, setting up and running a basic traverse, and solving practical, real-world surveying problems such as laying out a baseball diamond, staking out a foundation, or transferring an elevation. This course is taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach and is open to all students, but basic geometry or algebra skills are helpful. All fieldwork used in this course will be collected by the student on school grounds, weather permitting.


COURSE #555 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is designed for the student who wants to explore the four realms of transportation: terrestrial, marine, air, and space. Students will learn transportation concepts through class work and hands-on activities. Projects may include a working robot, air powered model car, boat hull, submarine, ROVs, electric motor, and rockets. The class will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach.


COURSE # 557 

PREREQUISITE: Transportation Engineering

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This course is a continuation of the introductory level course. This course is designed for the student who wants to explore in depth some of the realms of transportation addressed in Transportation Engineering. The class will be a hands-on, problem solving experience for the students in land, sea, and aerospace transportation. In land transportation, the student will design a vehicle with safety restraints that will keep the occupants safe during a 35-mph car crash. Students will build and test a submersible vessel to propel and surface on demand. Aerospace will focus on rocketry with guidance and various load-carrying capabilities with some relation to the Shuttle Program. This class will participate in the FIRST Robotics Competition. This course is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12. 

Recommendation: Completion of Transportation Engineering with a B or better or instructor’s approval



CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This is a project-based course designed to teach students skills in web design, construction, deployment, and maintenance. Students will learn to use a variety of software packages to create and maintain web pages. This will include the use of web-authoring software, and graphic design software. Students will work in collaboration with one another to explore solutions to problems, share their skills, and discover new and innovative approaches to unique challenges. Projects will focus on the ability to produce a website appropriate for the intended audience. 


COURSE # 592 

PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Website Development 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, STEM)

The first semester develops skills that lay the foundations for producing Web-ready communications: graphic design principles, storyboards, development, peer review, and redesign. Project activities focus on developing effective personal communications. Students develop a variety of graphical images, an electronic portfolio, a Web photo album, and interactive graphics. There is a great deal of flexibility implied in the curriculum. 

The second semester builds upon student design and development skills by shifting perspective from the personal to the local. Students now work in teams and produce Web communications for clients. The focus is on effective teamwork and shared project management skills such as interviewing and project scheduling. They produce design documents and visual comps that clients review. They develop Web site designs that solve specific communication challenges. They build technical skills to address client needs for their Web sites. This course is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12.


COURSE # 593 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

This semester course will introduce the student to the many aspects of video production. Students will learn basic skills such as storyboarding/pre-production, taping, and editing/post production. Throughout, students will be exposed to proper technique not only in relation to filming, but also with regard to sound and light. Students will be evaluated based upon sample videos relating to such themes as documentaries, advertisements, entertainment, and video journalism.


COURSE # 583 

PREREQUISITE: Video Production 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (FVA, STEM)

The Advanced Video Production Course will continue project planning, filming and editing concepts that were learned and developed in the Video Production Course. This course takes an advanced look into news casting, field production and television studio production. The course teaches advanced technical and aesthetic concepts involved in successful news broadcasting, studio and field productions. Students will continue to develop their skills through a series of in-class exercises, news broadcasting, studio and field exercises, and critical evaluations of various production styles and video projects. Students will apply their video production skills towards two required “school and/or community-centered” assignments per semester, as part of the course requirements. This course is open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA, STEM)

In this course, students acquire a fundamental understanding of the operation of computers and computer networks, and how to use the programming process to identify a problem, and recognize efficient ways to solve it. The development of useful computer programs and program modules is used as a context for introducing other important concepts in computer science, including the development and use of fundamental data structures, computer applications, and insight into the design of the human/computer interface. Exposure to career possibilities and discussion of ethical issues relating to computers will also be important threads in this course.



CREDIT: 1 credit  (FVA,STEM)

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion (Grade B or better) Computer Science (WTN061)

The AP Computer Science A course is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using the Java programming language. These techniques represent proven approaches for developing solutions that can scale up from small, simple problems to large, complex problems.

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4 credits are required in ENGLISH for graduation for all students. 



CREDIT: 1 credit (ENG)

This course features an introduction to literary analysis and essay writing. Reading assignments will include literary, informative, and persuasive material with at least one unit focusing around the theme of “Rites of Passage.” Literature will include texts such as The Odyssey as well as short stories, plays, poems, non-fiction selections, and at least two novels. Students will have opportunities to respond to texts in a variety of formats, such as discussion, journals, and literary circles. The writing program will begin with a review of the process of composing expository paragraphs and then will introduce methods of planning, drafting, and revising short formal essays. Following a review of sentence structure, one strand of the course will focus on phrases, clauses, and sentence revision as well as other common problems with grammar and mechanics. The course also offers instruction in broadening students’ vocabulary as they learn words in and out of context. Organizational, research, and study skills will be reviewed.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (ENG)

This course focuses on an intensive introduction to literary analysis and considerable practice in writing essays. Units of study are organized by theme, and students will respond to texts in a variety of formats. Reading assignments will include challenging texts such as The Odyssey and a Shakespeare play, as well as multiple novels, poems, short stories, plays, and non-fiction texts. Students will also review the elements of fiction as they are used in the short story. Vocabulary study will expand the students’ knowledge of challenging vocabulary words; grammar instruction will focus on common problems with grammar and mechanics. Writing instruction will focus on intensive planning, drafting, and revising essays, personal narratives, and research papers. 



CREDIT: 1 Credit (ENG)

This course continues to focus on response to literature and writing skills. Literature study will include reading, reflecting upon and analyzing selected poetry, multiple short stories, non-fiction, and at least three major works. Students will also analyze non-fiction texts. As part of ongoing instruction in the writing process, students will continue to practice preparing, drafting, and revising; they will learn to use conferencing skills to improve their pieces. Students will complete a series of written pieces, including at least one analytical essay and one creative piece. Students will use technology to produce varied assignments and to facilitate communication. Students will also learn skills involved in the process of writing a short research paper. Vocabulary study will continue.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (ENG)

This course continues an in-depth study of response to literature and the writing process. Literature study will include reading, reflecting upon and analyzing challenging selected poetry, multiple short stories, dramatic pieces, non-fiction, and several novels. Students will also analyze nonfiction texts. As part of their ongoing instruction in the writing process, students will continue to practice preparing, drafting and revising, and they will learn to use conferencing skills to improve their pieces. Students will complete a series of written pieces, including several analytical essays and one creative piece. Students will use technology to produce varied assignments and to facilitate communication. Students will also learn the special skills involved in the process of writing research papers. Vocabulary study will continue.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (ENG)

In this course, students will read, discuss, and analyze many challenging texts from American literature. To cultivate a deeper understanding of American thought, students will also study the cultural and/or historical contexts from which the literature originates. Imaginative, non-fiction, and visual texts will be examined to allow for a rich understanding of the American experience. Students will continue to approach writing as a process to compose academic essays, creative writing assignments, a substantive research paper, and reflective pieces. Students will receive feedback on writing assignments to examine and address their own use of grammar and mechanics. 



CREDIT: 1 Credit (ENG)

This course is an Advanced Placement course that prepares students for the AP Language and Composition test in May. In this course, students will read, discuss, and analyze many challenging texts from American literature to determine how authors use language and rhetoric to express their views, to convey meaning, and to evoke a response in the reader. In this course, students will be expected to complete a great deal of reading outside of class. In the writing program, students will continue to approach writing as a process and use Standard Written English to compose academic essays, several written analyses, creative writing assignments, multiple research-based papers, and timed writings. aWar in Literature is a semester long course involving the peril of war and how it impacts society and humanity. We will look at war through the lens of classical fiction juxtaposed with contemporary texts through the eyes of fictional and real life characters in order to explore the social, cultural, political, and historical conditions that have resulted in war. Furthermore, we will explore the conditions it creates for its victims and its aftermath. This course will explore the experiences of individuals, later generations, and nations, including issues of exile and reconciliation through the use of memoirs, fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction, documentaries, and feature films. Students will be tasked with formal essay writing, including narratives and expository essays. 

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Grade 12 English Choices

Seniors may choose to take AP/ECE English 12-H for a full credit or may choose two half-credit semester courses in order to fulfill their English requirement. 



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

This course is designed to prepare students for the demands of reading and writing in college and career. Students will study and create personal, informational, and argumentative pieces. Class will follow a writing workshop model, allowing students to choose their own topics for writing, conduct research to develop ideas, draft to refine their thinking, receive and provide feedback to peers in writing groups, and take work through drafts and revisions. Students will be expected to set writing goals and engage in ongoing selfreflection as a means to improve written communication. The study of professional mentor texts will help students learn and model the principles of effective writing, while also helping them become more critical readers of text. The class will reinforce rules of standard written English and require students to make deliberate choices about usage and punctuation. Research and citation skills will be reviewed and reinforced, preparing students for college writing experiences.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

Students will read a variety of popular fiction with an emphasis on student choice. Students will explore themes, social contexts, and language choices in modern texts from a variety of genres. Class discourse and book club discussions will challenge students to become reflective, critical readers while improving speaking and listening skills. Book reviews, personal essays, literary analyses, research projects, and creative responses will allow students to continue to develop analytical writing skills. Students will apply their knowledge of grammar and mechanics through the editing process. This course is designed both for students who love to read books of their choice as well as for students who are still discovering what they like to read. 


COURSE # WEA004cr 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

This course is a study of crimes, both true crime and fiction, in traditional texts and in contemporary popular culture as portrayed through short stories, essays, works of fiction and non-fiction, films, poems, essays, speeches, and other mediums. Over the course of the semester, students will investigate how authors report crime for factuality and engagement. We will also look at the common traits of mystery/crime fiction. Students will explore true crime and mystery through readings, online critical responses, podcasts, discussions, and research activities. 



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

This course examines media and its significant impact on culture, society, and values as expressed, developed, and critiqued in a multicultural world. Students will analyze and evaluate literature, film, art, and other media from a variety of authors of diverse backgrounds. Students will study issues of identity, race, disability, and representation in culture, politics, art, and film. Students will write a research paper on a social issue that deals with diversity and will have opportunities for personal writings. Students will be expected to resolve most problems of grammar and mechanics independently and will apply revision skills to improve their prose style. Topics include, but are not limited to, immigration, assimilation, refugees, racism, discrimination, gender bias, hate crimes, wage gap, economic gap, religion, stereotyping, social hierarchy, and sexuality. 



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

This literature course is a study of heroes in major traditional texts and in contemporary culture as portrayed through short stories, essays, films, epic poems, and other mediums. Using Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth as a uniting motif, students will investigate heroic quests, archetypal characters, recurring themes, and imagery of the hero myth in a variety of eras. We will analyze how heroes provide insight into the societies that create them. Related topics such as the tragic hero, monsters, and antiheroes will also be explored. This course offers further practice in literary study, writing, and analytical skills, in addition to fostering a higher level of achievement in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will respond to literature and films in a variety of ways, including discussion, formal and informal writing, presentations, and research projects. Students will be expected to handle most problems with grammar and mechanics independently as they apply revision skills to improve their prose style. Vocabulary study will focus on both SAT preparation and vocabulary in context.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

In this course, students will examine the largest object on Earth, which has fascinated mankind since the beginning of time: the sea. Students will study the sea as portrayed through short stories, essays, works of fiction and non-fiction, films, poems, essays, and speeches. They will examine sailors, whalers, explorers, pirates, fishermen, scientists, military personnel, and other individuals with a deep connection to the sea. Students will respond to maritime literature and films in a variety of ways, including discussion, formal and informal writing, presentations, research projects, and interviews. The writing program will strengthen students’ ability to write analytically about maritime literature, and they will have opportunities for personal and creative writing as well. Students will develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills for both college and career opportunities. 



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

Playwriting and Performance is an academic course available to seniors. This course is in partnership with the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center, and students will learn from some of the O’Neill’s faculty. Through this class, students will deepen their understanding of the art of theater by studying and writing plays as well as learning the basic elements of acting and directing. Students will use specific plays as model texts to create an original short play, and a portion of the class is focused on workshopping original work. In addition, students will conduct research about an aspect of theater and present their findings. This class is ideal for seniors who are interested in dramatic writing and the collaborative process.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

This course offers further practice in literary study, writing, and analytical skills using nonfiction memoirs. Students will analyze non-fiction memoirs through a variety of mediums. Students will be expected to gain independence in constructing meaning from a text. In the writing program, students will strengthen their ability to write analytically and reflectively and will create a correctly cited MLA research project. Writing about their personal experience, which will include the college personal essay and the senior scrapbook, will enhance their ability to reflect about their own lives and to be more mindful about their actions. Students will gain an understanding about personal perspective and the subjectivity of truth, and how one’s perspective shapes their truth. Students will learn about the universality of human experience as well as how to see life from another person’s perspective, which will lead to an appreciation of the differences in others and will give them practice with expressing sympathy and empathy. Students will be asked to engage in meaningful and mindful discussions to sharpen critical thinking skills. Students will also develop and improve their interviewing, collaboration, and technology skills through assignments. Students will be expected to resolve most problems of grammar and mechanics independently and will apply revision skills to improve their prose style.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

In this course, students will examine both the positive and negative themes that go hand-in-hand with sports. Students will study sports as portrayed through short stories, essays, works of fiction and non-fiction, films, poems, essays, and speeches. They will examine the ideas, thoughts, and emotions surrounding sports, and they will analyze how and why sports have taken on such a large role in our society and their own lives. Students will respond to sports-based literature and films in a variety of ways, including discussion, formal and informal writing, presentations, research projects, and interviews. The writing program will strengthen students’ ability to write analytically about sports literature, and they will have opportunities for personal and creative writing as well. Students will develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills for both college and career opportunities. 



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

War in Literature is a semester long course involving the peril of war and how it impacts society and humanity. We will look at war through the lens of classical fiction juxtaposed with contemporary texts through the eyes of fictional and real life characters in order to explore the social, cultural, political, and historical conditions that have resulted in war. Furthermore, we will explore the conditions it creates for its victims and its aftermath. This course will explore the experiences of individuals, later generations, and nations, including issues of exile and reconciliation through the use of memoirs, fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction, documentaries, and feature films. Students will be tasked with formal essay writing, including narratives and expository essays. At least one assignment will include a research component.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (ENG,HUM)

This course focuses on work and experiences of women throughout history. Students will examine elements of past and present society on the basis of evolving gender roles. Literature that represents diverse perspectives of female voices from different eras and cultures will be studied. Students will also explore how contemporary media and culture contribute to women’s views of themselves and body images. Current issues affecting gender such as violence against women and sexual orientation may also be discussed. Students will participate in lively classroom and small group discussions and engage in self-directed research. Students will analyze and critique a variety of literature, and they will have opportunities for personal and creative writing as well. Students will apply revision skills to improve their prose style.  



CREDIT: 1 Credit  (ENG)

AP English 12/UConn ECE English 1007 is a university-level course focused on developing the skills of academic writing, multimodal composition, original thought, productive discussion, close reading, and the interpretation of various types of literature and real-world contexts. This academically rigorous course requires students read closely, think analytically, and plan, compose and revise written responses that examine the ways in which authors convey ideas, and gauge the relevance of their writing in the real world. Our reading will work as a springboard for discussion and writing in various forms and modes. 

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Additional English Electives

*These classes do not count toward the 4 required English credits. These can be used as humanities (HUM) electives or open electives.



PREREQUISITE: Junior or Senior standing

CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

This course prepares students in the areas of public speaking and civil discourse. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of speech communication. Modeled after a typical college course in public speaking, this course takes students through a variety of presentations in a supportive and constructive framework. They will learn to prepare, deliver, discuss, and respond to presentations of increasing complexity. Students will learn that, depending on purpose and audience, a speech may entertain, inform, motivate, and/or persuade. Emphasis will be placed on organization, analysis, and elements of speech delivery, including effective verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication. 



PREREQUISITE: Junior or Senior standing 

CREDIT: ½ Credit  (HUM)

In this course, students will write in a variety of creative mediums with a focus on plays, poetry, and short stories. A portion of the class is devoted to workshop, during which students read their pieces to a supportive audience of other writers. Students will develop and hone their skills at critique and revision and will produce a summative project for each writing unit. Prior completion of advanced English classes is recommended.



PREREQUISITE: Junior or Senior standing 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

In this course, students will view films for cinematic, dramatic, and literary elements. Contemporary and classic films will be studied along with independent and international films. Some films may be viewed in their entirety while others will be viewed in a survey of film clips. Students in this course will be expected to participate in class discussions and submit written assignments regularly.



PREREQUISITE: This course is available to students in grades 10, 11, or 12 only.

CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM, STEM)

In this course, students will read, write, and think critically. The course will provide students with opportunities to understand and practice print journalism. Students will focus on writing, layout, publication, advertising, and copy editing. Contributing to the school newspaper is required and will provide students with authentic learning experiences in InDesign and other forms of technology. 




CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM, STEM)

In this course, students will advance their abilities to read, write, and think critically. The course will provide students with opportunities to take on leadership roles as editors for the school publications. Students will focus on writing, layout, publication, advertising, and copy editing. Contributing to the school newspaper will provide students with authentic learning experiences in InDesign and other forms of technology. 

This course may be repeated for credit with teacher permission.



PREREQUISITE: Junior or senior standing 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

In this course, students will learn about some of the major themes, questions, and problems of philosophy, including such areas as metaphysics (the nature of reality), epistemology (the nature of knowledge), ethics, social philosophy, and the philosophy of art. Classic and contemporary schools of thought and philosophers will be studied. Students will learn to construct arguments and will participate in teacher facilitated and student-led discussions as well as researching their own topics of interest and inquiry.

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All students are required to take 3 credits in Math for graduation, to include Algebra I.

All math courses will count towards the required 9 credits in “STEM” area.

Teachers will make recommendations for the most appropriate next course in mathematics.  Should you have questions regarding any recommendations, please contact your child's current math teacher and/or school counselor.


COURSE # 321 

CREDIT: 1 credit (STEM)

This course is a review of basic operations in arithmetic with emphasis on integration of skills and the fundamental concepts of algebra and informal geometry. It is intended for students who are not ready to take Algebra I.



PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

Algebra furnishes the language and is the principal tool of mathematics. An understanding of formulas, equations, problems, functional relations, graphs, simplified algebraic techniques and the use of tehcnology are the immediate objectives. 

*Students who would benefit from additional time and support with the study of Algebra may be recommended for an Algebra Link course as well.  




CREDIT:  ½ Credit (STEM)

Plane Geometry is the study of figures on a plane and in space. The proof of theorems, corollaries and original problems is stressed. This course trains students to think logically. Recommendation: Grade of B– or better in Algebra I


COURSE # 341 

PREREQUISITE:  Algebra 1 – A and teacher recommendation 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

Plane Geometry is the study of figures on a plane and in space. Theorems and corollaries are examined and proved. Applications of geometric principles are investigated. This is more rigorous treatment of the material that is found in the advanced course.

RECOMMENDATION:  Grade of A in Algebra 1A


COURSE # 359 


CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course develops skill and accuracy in algebraic techniques. Skills covered in Algebra 1A are reviewed. There is further work on quadratics and polynomials with an emphasis on graph analysis. Rational exponential and logarithmic functions are also introduced. 


COURSE # 330 

PREREQUISITE: Algebra IA and Teacher Recommendation

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course develops a high degree of skill and accuracy in algebraic techniques. Skills covered in Algebra I-A are reviewed. There is further work on quadratics, including graphs of linear and quadratic equations. An introduction to negative exponents, logarithms, matrices, and systems with three variables is included. 

Recommendation: Grade of B- or better in Algebra IA


COURSE # 351 

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Plane Geometry – H or Teacher Recommendation

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course develops skill and accuracy in algebraic techniques. There is further work on quadratics, including graphs of linear and quadratic equations. An introduction to negative exponents, logarithms, matrices, and systems with three variables is included. This is a more rigorous treatment of the material than the advanced course.

Recommendation: Grade of B+ or better in Plane Geometry – H



PREREQUISITE:  Successful completion of Algebra 1- A and junior year status

CREDIT: 1 credit (STEM)

This course builds upon topics covered in Algebra II as well as a selection of Geometry content with a focus on relevant SAT material. Topics include applications of functions, statistics, geometry, and trigonometry. 


COURSE # 328 


CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This is a hands-on course which uses mathematics to navigate a proper course on the water.  Students will study latitude and longitude, dead reckoning, course conversion and fixing a position on the water.



PREREQUISITE: Algebra II-S or higher 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This is a hands-on course which covers the navigation component of the captain's license test.  Topics studied are latitude and longitude, dead reckoning, 2 and 3 bearing fixes, running fixes, current, and radar plotting.


COURSE # 338 

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Algebra II

CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This course deals with arrangements of discrete objects. Topics covered may include sets, logic, election theory, number theory, codes, and relations. This course has various applications that show the relevance of mathematics to the real world such as communications, transportation, and business.




CREDIT: ½ credit (HUM, STEM)

This course will explore various examples of how mathematics and art are closely connected. In particular, pertinent mathematical theorems and problems, vocabulary and concepts, and artistic samples (paintings, sculpture, architecture, etc.). 



PREREQUISITE: Algebra 1  - No prior musical knowledge is necessary.

CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM, STEM)

This class will rely heavily on critical thinking skills and seeks to develop students’ abilities to solve multi-step word problems and problem solving in general. This course will examine pertinent mathematical theorems and problems, mathematical and musical vocabulary and concepts, and musical samples (written and auditory). In addition, students will be studying some of the rudiments of the mathematics and science of sound as it connects to musical creation and analysis. Further, students will be asked to read and respond to a variety of written and/or auditory materials that address assorted facets of the relationship between math and music. 


COURSE # 335 


CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This course includes such topics as statistical analysis, probability applications, reasoning communication, connections and problem solving. Real world hands-on applications are used to investigate and apply the concepts in the course. Microsoft Excel is used to organize, analyze and present results.


COURSE # 336 


CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This course will include such topics as discrete functions, statistical analysis, probability theory and applications, reasoning, communication, connections, and problem solving. Real world applications are used to investigate and apply theory. Microsoft Excel is used to organize, analyze and present results. 


COURSE # 361 


CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course will explore the following topics: analytic geometry, linear, quadratic, polynomial and exponential functions and their inverses, conic sections, and trigonometric functions.

Recommendations: Grade of B- or better in Algebra II-A


COURSE # 360 


CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course includes a comprehensive examination of the following topics: analytic geometry, linear, quadratic, polynomial and exponential functions and their inverses, conic sections and trigonometric functions. 

Recommendation: Grade of B+ or better in Algebra II-H


COURSE # 349 

PREREQUISITE: Pre-Calculus & Trigonometry

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course is an introduction to limits, derivatives, and integrals with an emphasis on the underlying algebraic and pre-calculus concepts.

Recommendation: Grade of B- or better in Pre-Calculus-A


COURSE # 362 


CREDIT: 1 credit (STEM)

This course includes a comprehensive examination of sequences, functions and their limits, forms the basis for the definitions of the derivative and integrals and their applications. Students taking this course are prepared for the AB Calculus AP Exam. 

Recommendation: Grade of B+ or better in Pre-Calculus-H


COURSE # 337 

PREREQUISITE: A- or better in Algebra II Honors or Advanced 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

The topics for AP Statistics will be divided into four major themes: exploratory analysis (20-30 percent of the exam), planning and conducting a study (10-15 percent of the exam), probability 20 -30 percent of the exam), and statistical inference (30-40 percent of the exam). This is a full year course designed to prepare students to take the AP Statistics Exam. 

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These courses count toward Fine and Vocational Arts (FVA), Humanities (HUM) or open electives.

Teachers will make recommendations for the most appropriate music course.  Should you have questions regarding any recommendations, please contact your child's teacher and/or school counselor.


COURSE # 704

PREREQUISITE: Students must play a recognized band instrument.

CREDIT: 1 credit (FVA, HUM)

Symphonic Band is a year-long class. Membership in the band is open to all woodwind, brass, and percussion players. Students will learn the language, skills, habits, and techniques necessary for effective musical expression. Quality band literature will also be studied and performed. Students are required to attend all concerts, performances, and contribute to the musical life of the school. Private lessons and festival participation are highly recommended.



PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation and/ or audition. Students must play a recognized jazz band instrument which includes woodwinds, brass, piano, guitar, bass guitar and percussion 

CREDIT: 1 Credit  (FVA, HUM)

Membership in the Jazz Ensemble is open (by teacher recommendation and/or audition) to all woodwind, brass, piano, guitar, bass guitar and percussion players. Students will learn the language, skills, habits, and techniques necessary for effective musical expression in the jazz ensemble setting. Quality jazz ensemble literature will also be studied and performed. Students are required to attend all concerts, performances, and contribute to the musical life of the school. Members will also perform as a member of the Symphonic Band at concerts and events. Private lessons and festival participation are highly recommended.


COURSE # 705 

PREREQUISITE: Students must be able to recognize and sing notes and pitches 

CREDIT: 1 Credit  (FVA, HUM)

Membership in this choral group is open to any student who has the desire to sing in a group setting. Students will learn proper vocal techniques required for effective performance of selected literature. Students will study and perform music ranging from Broadway to the classics. Students are required to participate in all concerts, extra rehearsals and special events that contribute to the musical life of the school.


COURSE # 707 

PREREQUISITE: Membership in this choral group is by teacher recommendation and/or audition. 

CREDIT: 1 Credit  (FVA, HUM)

Membership in this auditioned choral group is open to any student who has the desire to sing in a group setting. Students will learn proper vocal techniques required for effective performance of selected literature. Students will study and perform music ranging from Broadway to the classics. Students are required to participate in all concerts extra rehearsals, and special events that contribute to the musical life of the school.


COURSE # 720 

PREREQUISITE: String students must have at least 2 years of middle school orchestra experience 

CREDIT: 1 Credit  (FVA, HUM)

This course is open to all string players. Students will study and perform musical literature from the Baroque period through 20th Century Music. In addition, students will learn musical concepts about each work and how his/ her part relates to the ensemble. Members of the string orchestra are expected to contribute to the musical life of the school and community by participating in all scheduled events during the year. Daily practice is essential and private lessons are highly recommended.


COURSE # 721 

PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation and/ or audition 

CREDIT: 1 Credit  (FVA, HUM)

Placement in this year-long ensemble is by teacher recommendation and/or audition. Students will study and perform quality musical literature encompassing all periods of music, using non-edited and unabridged music when possible. Students are required to practice, attend all concerts, and performances, and contribute to the musical life of the school. Private lessons and festival participation are highly recommended.


COURSE # 716 

CREDIT: ½ Credit  (FVA, HUM)

This course examines the fundamentals of music and its analysis. Topics to include: properties of sound, basic notation, terms, symbols, rhythms, meter, scales, key signatures, intervals, and chords (triads).


COURSE # 700 

CREDIT: ½ Credit   (FVA, HUM)

This course will help the student listen to music with a critical ear and develop an appreciation of music on many levels. This course is designed to enhance the students’ enjoyment of current popular music and enable them to recognize, to understand, and to find delight in a wide variety of musical forms and formats. This course will focus on “Music as Revolution” – the role of music in shaping major cultural changes. This course will also focus on “Music as Culture” – the larger cultural signifiers of various types of music. No music background is required. 

*This course will be offered on even years.


COURSE # 724 

CREDIT: ½ Credit  (FVA, HUM)

This course is designed for the student to understand the fundamentals of the jazz solo through performance. This course will also include the history of jazz improvisation, famous jazz soloists, current trends and the understanding of jazz notation. The course is open to all instrumentalists that play a melodic instrument and singers that can read music well (no drummers). This course may be taken multiple times.  Each successive time, students will continue where they left off at the end of each class. Students will then progress to a higher level each time the course is taken.

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Physical Education & Health

These courses count towards the required 2 credits in Physical Education (PE) & Health (HLTH)

Requirements are:

1.0 credit in PE - 1/2 credit MUST be Lancer PE,  1/2 PE Elective

1.0 in Health - 1/2 credit MUST be Personal Wellness and 1/2 credit Health



CREDIT: ½ credit (HTH)

The ninth grade Personal Wellness course will focus on topics related to lifelong health and personal fitness. The goal of the wellness course is to empower students to optimize their personal well-being through research and knowledge of nutrition, body systems, fitness, safety, and first aid. Students will set goals for how they will maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve their overall fitness by creating personalized fitness plans and tracking their progress throughout the semester. 

The Connecticut State Fitness Test (Flexibility, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Cardiorespiratory Endurance) which measures the overall fitness level of our students will be administered in this course.

*This class is a graduation requirement* 

This class counts toward the health requirement, not physical education.

LANCER P.E. (10th Grade) 

CREDITS: ½ Credit (PE)

The core physical education class will focus on physical fitness and encourage students to be physically active throughout their lifetime for better health. The students will spend a significant amount of time on activities devoted to cardiovascular and muscular strength and endurance. They will be educated in the basic concepts of physical training. A significant amount of time will also be spent on games designed to achieve physical fitness while having fun, thus encouraging them to engage in lifelong activities that lead to good health. 

*This class is a graduation requirement* 

HEALTH SEMINAR (10th Grade) 

COURSE # 785 

CREDITS: ½ Credit (HTH)

The Waterford High School Health Education Program encompasses all relevant areas of health; mental, social, emotional, and physical. This course is designed to assist students in obtaining accurate information, developing lifelong positive attitudes and behaviors, and making wise decisions related to their personal health. Students will focus on personal health, alcohol and other drug use prevention, tobacco, mental and emotional health, sexual health, and violence prevention as it aligns with the National Health Education Standards. 

*This class is a graduation requirement*



CREDITS: ½ Credit (PE)

This course will focus on aquatic activities that a student can pursue in his or her adult life in order to maintain a level of physical fitness. Basic swimming strokes, aquatic fitness, kayaking, and aquatics games will be included in this course. This course can be used to fulfill the physical education graduation requirement.

This course may be repeated for credit. 

This course will focus on aquatic activities that a student can pursue in his or her adult life in order to maintain a level of physical fitness. Basic swimming strokes, aquatic fitness, kayaking, and aquatics games will be included in this course. This course can be used to fulfill the physical education graduation requirement. 

This course may be repeated for credit. 



CREDITS: 1/2 Credit (PE)

This course will explore and allow experiences in the following topics: Yoga, Various forms of Fitness, and peer collaborated dance performances through many genres and time periods. 

This course may be repeated for credit. 


COURSE #767 (Semester I)

COURSE #765 (Semester II)

PREREQUISITE: Lancer PE;  Grade 11 or 12 students only

CREDITS: ½ Credit (PE)

This course will combine skills and strategies that will lead to a competitive team environment. Football, speedball, volleyball, basketball, ultimate frisbee, and pickleball are some of the activities offered in this class. Tournament play will be featured. This is a physically demanding, highly competitive class and is recommended only for students with previous skills and knowledge of the aforementioned activities and who enjoy a high level of physical activity. 

Students may sign up for one or both semesters.  This course may be repeated for credit.




CREDITS: ½ Credit (PE)

This course will focus on activities that a student can pursue in his or her adult life in order to maintain a level of physical fitness. Tennis, pickleball, badminton, volleyball, outdoor activities, hiking, archery, and yard games such as cornhole, bocce, spikeball, and canjam are some of the activities included in this course. 

This course may be repeated for credit.



PREREQUISITE: Lancer PE, junior or senior standing 

CREDITS: ½ Credit (PE)

Students will learn the concepts for proper techniques and strategies of exercise programs, (circuit and weight training). Each student will develop his or her own weight training program to meet his or her own needs for bodybuilding or sports performance. 

This course may be repeated for credit. 



PREREQUISITE: Lancer PE, junior or senior standing 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (PE)

This course will challenge students through the use of both indoor and outdoor low and high-challenge course elements leading to growth in leadership, creativity, risk-taking, problem-solving as well and self-esteem. Students will learn to work as a group to complete a variety of challenging tasks. Students will also increase their physical fitness through the completion of these tasks. Activities include but are not limited to, rock wall climbing, dangling duo, zip line, vertical playpen, Mohawk walk, and whale watch. 

This course may be repeated for credit. 



CREDIT: ½ Credit (PE, FVA)

This course is designed to unite regular education students with special education classmates who have a variety of different learning challenges that may be physical, social, or intellectual. The course is designed for students to experience a variety of activities in physical education, especially those which require teamwork and cooperation. Warm-up, stretches, and cardio (walking/jogging) exercises are part of the routine. Activities consist of group games, climbing, soccer, kickball, badminton, basketball, etc. The curriculum is modified to meet the skill sets of the students with disabilities. Students without disabilities will participate as mentors for the students with disabilities and these experiences will give them skills and techniques necessary for working with different populations and help them develop leadership skills. The Unified PE class is often a step towards joining the Unified Sports team that competes inter-scholastically. 

This course may be repeated for credit. 


COURSE # 769 

PREREQUISITE: Junior or senior standing 

CREDITS: ½ Credit (PE, FVA) 

This course will lead to CPR and standard first aid certification. A section of this course will focus on the cause, care, prevention, and anatomy of common athletic injuries. The student will learn and practice taping techniques related to these injuries. A certification card may be obtained for a fee of $40 (Price subject to change). Please let the instructor know if there is a financial hardship. 

Course Fee: $40-50



PREREQUISITE: Sophomore, junior, or senior standing 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (PE, FVA)

This course will lead to American Red Cross Lifeguarding certification and/or recertification. A certification card may be obtained for a fee of 40.00 (Price subject to change). Students must be 15 years old to acquire an American Red Cross Lifeguard  Certification. Please let the instructor know if there is a financial hardship. This class will prepare students in skills used to become an employed lifeguard in the future. 

Course Fee: $40-50



PREREQUISITE: Senior standing; Approval from PE teacher and completion of Physical Education Graduation requirements (this course does not count as a PE elective.  It counts as a Fine and Vocational Arts credit) 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (FVA)

This practicum experience will educate the student in the fields of physical education, athletic coaching, sport administration, and classroom management. Students will learn by engaging themselves in a 9th or 10th-grade physical education class. They will assist the physical education staff in instruction, class design, demonstration, class management, administration of fitness testing, and class evaluation. Students will be actively engaged in the principles and methods of teaching. The practicum experience will include volunteering after school hours. Students will be required to complete four hours of an athletic experience outside of the classroom which must be pre-approved by the instructor. All student assessments will be under the supervision of a specific physical education teacher. Selection in this course is limited and a lottery system may be used to select enrollment. 

This course may be repeated for credit.

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These courses count towards the required 9 credits in the "STEM" area.

3 of the 9 credits MUST be in Science as required for graduation

All students are required to take Integrated Science in Grade 9 and Biology in Grade 10.  Students should discuss with their teacher or counselor any plans to double-up or take science courses in different orders.

Teachers will make recommendations for students for the next most appropriate science course and level.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

Students in this Next Generation Science Standards based introductory course will develop an understanding of a wide range of topics in Earth and Space Science that build upon science concepts from middle school through more advanced content, practice, and cross-cutting themes in order to argue and explain scientific phenomena. The course will address: Space Systems, History of Earth, Earth’s Systems, Weather and Climate, and Human Sustainability. A three dimensional approach will be utilized where students will develop understanding of scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. It is tailored to serve the needs of serious students who do not plan on going to college as well as college bound students who do not feel sufficiently prepared to deal with the more rigorous Integrated Science- Advanced



CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

Students in this Next Generation Science Standards based introductory course will develop an understanding of a wide range of topics in Earth and Space Science that build upon science concepts from middle school through more advanced content, practice, and cross-cutting themes in order to argue and explain scientific phenomena. The course will address: Space Systems, History of Earth, Earth’s Systems, Weather and Climate, and Human Sustainability. A three dimensional approach will be utilized where students will develop understanding of scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. This course places a stronger emphasis on mathematical applications and writing than Integrated Science- Standard



CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

Students in this Next Generation Science Standards based introductory course will develop an understanding of a wide range of topics in Earth and Space Science that build upon science concepts from middle school through more advanced content, practice, and cross-cutting themes in order to argue and explain scientific phenomena. The course will address: Space Systems, History of Earth, Earth’s Systems, Weather and Climate, and Human Sustainability. A three dimensional approach will be utilized where students will develop understanding of scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. This course places emphasis on mathematical applications and writing and students will be required to complete a long term research project. Students who wish to take AP Science classes as upperclassmen should consider taking this course.

RECOMMENDATION- A grade of B+ or better in 8th grade science.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. This course is an activity-focused, inquiry-based, multidisciplinary approach to studying biology. The course relates biological concepts to real-world phenomena, such as genetic disorders, cancer, and the spread of diseases. Students will learn to ask scientific questions, construct explanations and design solutions in regard to biological phenomena. This course requires students to work collaboratively with peers and use a variety of resources in order to understand the way the human body works and how we interact with our environment.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. The course relates biological concepts to real-world phenomena, such as genetic disorders, cancer, and the spread of diseases. Students will learn to ask scientific questions, construct explanations and design solutions in regard to biological phenomena. This course requires students to work collaboratively with peers and use a variety of resources—such as laboratory investigations, case studies, and scientific journals—in order to understand the way the human body works and how we interact with our environment. This course places a stronger emphasis on chemistry concepts, mathematical applications, and reading and writing than Standard Biology. Reading comprehension must be at or above grade level. 



PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and is an in-depth study of the processes and principles of biology, the science of life. The rigorous curriculum is taught at the introductory college course level and serves to prepare students who intend to take AP or ECE Science classes and/or pursue a science major in college. The focus of this course is at the molecular level. Emphasis will be placed on cellular structure and function, gene structure and function, genetics, evolution and interdependence of organisms. The concepts and practices of biotechnology will be explored and students will participate in advanced labs. Reading level must be above grade level. Students must be able to learn independently and use critical thinking skills to solve realworld problems. It is urged that the recommendation of the previous science teacher be followed. 

RECOMMENDATION: Grade B or above in Integrated Science- Honors or grade of A in Integrated Science- Advanced.


UCONN ECE BIO 1107 + BIO 1108 


CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

(8 ECE credits from UCONN transferable to most schools)

The UCONN ECE biology course covers both the UCONN Biology 1107 and 1108 curriculum. This course integrates the major themes of biological science to give students a deep understanding of the major concepts which run through the discipline. Topics covered include science as process, evolution, energy transfer, continuity and change, regulation, biochemical principles, cell biology and science, technology, and society. Students will have the option to take the biology AP exam in May, although not all of the AP curriculum is covered in this course. Due to limited room and the rigor of a college-level course, enrollment will take into consideration previous grades in science courses, teacher recommendation, and student interest. 

RECOMMENDATION: Grade of B or better in Honors or Advanced Biology and Honors or Advanced Chemistry. It is strongly recommended that students taking chemistry concurrently are enrolled in Honors Chemistry. If students are enrolled in Advanced Chemistry, it is strongly recommended that the course is completed with a B or better prior to taking this class. 



PREREQUISITE: Completion of Integrated Science and Biology at any level

CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This standard level course is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and is a study of basic chemistry and physic principles using forensics as a backdrop. The course will use a crime investigation scenario as the basis for student learning. Students will engage in laboratory experiments that highlight forensic techniques and demonstrate chemistry and physics topics such as matter and chemical reactions, Newton’s laws, and energy. The course focuses on the student’s ability to learn chemical and physical concepts through hands-on and group activities. 

This course cannot be taken if credit was earned in Chemistry for Future Presidents -A or Physics for Future Presidents - A 



PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of Integrated Science and Biology at any level 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This course is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and is an exploratory study of the nature of matter and its reactions that involves problem solving, deductive reasoning and experimentation. Topics included are states of matter; stoichiometry of chemical reactions; electronic structure of atoms and the connection of matter to the periodic chart; energy and equilibrium. This course will explore the relevance of chemistry in everyday life. Students will complete the class with an understanding of how chemical concepts influence decisions made on a daily basis. 

This course cannot be taken if credit was earned in Forensic Science-S

It is recommended that students who take this course should also take Physics for Future Presidents as a combined full year science credit.



PREREQUISITE:  Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 A or H.

Grade 10 students must have completed or concurrently enroll in Biology- H.

Grade 11 or 12 students must have completed Biology A or H.

CREDIT: 1 Credit  (STEM)

This course is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and is an in depth study of the nature of matter and its reactions. Students will be asked to problem solve and use deductive reasoning and experimentation in real world applications. Topics included are states of matter; stoichiometry of chemical reactions; equilibrium; electronic structure of atoms and the connection of matter to the periodic chart; thermodynamics; gas laws, solution chemistry and organic chemistry. Students will be asked to problem solve and use deductive reasoning and experimentation in real world applications. Scientific experimentation, research, and discussion are integral parts of this course. The honors section places a strong emphasis on mathematical applications, writing, and independent work. Students, who wish to take AP/ ECE Chemistry or any other AP science and/ or pursue science in college should consider taking this course. 

Recommendation: Students should have a PSAT Math score of 580 


COURSE # WNH033 and # WNH034(lab)    (UCONN ECE CHEM 1127Q + CHEM 1128Q)

PREREQUISITES: Completion of Honors Chemistry with a Grade of B or better; Concurrent enrollment in or successful completion of Pre-Calculus or above; Teacher Recommendation 

CREDIT: 1 1/2 Credit (STEM)

(8 ECE Credits from UConn - transferable to most schools)

This course is designed to provide a foundation for more advanced courses in chemistry. Students will learn about atomic theory, laws and theories concerning the physical and chemical behavior of gases, liquids, solids, and solutions as well as some of the more familiar elements and their compounds. Lab work will include quantitative measurements illustrating the laws of chemical combination and equilibrium in solutions and qualitative reactions of the common cations and anions. 

Students MUST enroll in course WNH003 which is the full year, 1 credit course.
Students MUST ALSO enroll in course WNH004 which is a half year, 0.5 credit LAB based course that will run during first semester along with the regular course.



PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Integrated Science and Biology at any level 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This course is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and will cover classical and modern physics. It is designed to enable students to appreciate the role of physics in today's society and technology. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental laws of nature on which all science is based. Students will explore the topics of Newton’s Laws, wave interactions, the photoelectric effect, and energy. 

This course cannot be taken if credit was earned in Forensic Science– S. 

It is recommended that students who take this course should also take Chemistry for Future Presidents as a combined full year science credit.



PREREQUISITE:  Completion of Integrated Science A or H and Biology A or H.  Biology H may be taken concurrently.   Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 A or H.

CREDIT: 1 Credit  (STEM)   

(4 ECE credits from UCONN that are transferable to most schools)

In this course the focus is on the big ideas typically included in the first semester of algebra-based, college level physics. Students will cultivate a deeper understanding of physics as they explore Kinematics, dynamics, circular motion, simple harmonic motion, conservation of momentum/ angular momentum, torque, electrostatics, and DC circuits. Students enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to take the Physics 1 AP exam in May. 



PREREQUISITE:  Successful completion of AP/ECE Physics 1.   Concurrent enrollment or successful completion in Pre-Calculus or above.  

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)  

(4 ECE credits from UCONN that are transferable to most schools) 

In this course the focus on the big ideas typically included in the first semester of algebra-based, college level physics. Students will cultivate their understanding of physics as they explore Thermodynamics, ideal gases, kinetic theory, fluid statics and dynamics, electrostatics, DC and RC circuits, electromagnetic inductions, optics, quantum physics, nuclear physics. This course is recommended for students intending to pursue a post high school degree in engineering or related fields. Students will have the opportunity to take the Physics 2 AP exam in May.

MARINE BIOLOGY 1- S  (Ecosystems)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This is an introduction to the study of the oceans and coastal environments and the organisms that live there. There will be field trips to ocean-related facilities and use of the Project Oceanology resources at Avery Point. This course is designed for those students who do not intend on pursuing a degree in science. Emphasis will be placed on ecological concepts and human connections to the sea. 

MARINE BIOLOGY 1- A (Ecosystems)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This is a survey course of the living ecosystems in the ocean. Subjects will include a survey of the major marine ecosystems, ecological relationships and adaptations. The course will take an ecosystems approach to looking at life in the sea. We will start with a look at marine ecosystems around the world including coral reefs, deep sea and kelp forests and then focus on our local estuarine ecosystem. 

MARINE BIOLOGY 2- A  (Organisms)


PREREQUISITE: Completion of Marine Biology 1- S with a B or better or Marine Biology 1-A.

CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This is a survey course of life in the ocean. Subjects will include anatomy and physiology of marine organisms, evolutionary relationships and adaptations. The course will take a phylogenetic approach to looking at life in the sea. We will start with simple groups and move to more complex ones.

Recommendation: Marine Biology 1A is strongly recommended prior to taking this course but may be taken without taking 1A first given the prerequisite above.



CREDIT: 1 Credit  (STEM)

(4 ECE Credits from UCONN – transferable to most schools) 

Students taking this class will have the opportunity to get UCONN credit for the class. This class will focus on the biological, chemical, and geophysical aspects of the ocean. Students taking the class will have access to the UCONN Avery Point campus library and lab facilities and online resources. Field programs will include trips to the Avery Point Marine Science Building for lab work as well as Project O for boat trips. Due to limited room and the rigor of a college-level course, enrollment will take into consideration previous grades in science courses, teacher recommendation, and student interest.

**This is a college level class carrying honors credit and expectations. 



PREREQUISITE: Completion of Integrated Science and Biology 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (STEM)

This course focuses on environmental issues and how they impact students and the community. Students will study biospheres and examine how ecosystems work and how humans are affecting these ecosystems. Topics include water quality, pollution, waste management and recycling, alternative energy sources, endangered species and habitats, local flora and fauna, and current environmental issues at the state, national and global level.


COURSE # WNH062   (UCONN ECE NRE 1000 (E))

PREREQUISITE: Completion of Integrated Science at any level.  Completion of Biology- A with a grade of B+ or better or successful completion Biology- H. 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

(3 ECE Credits from UCONN –transferable to most schools) 

 Environmental science is a course that incorporates various scientific disciplines in the context of practical real-world issues. This course asks students to use scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. 

**This is a college level class carrying honors credit and expectations.

*This class fulfills the environmental literacy (E) requirement for UConn general education.



PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Biology at any level.  Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry A or H or Physics A or H.

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This course is designed for students who have an interest in the human body and how it works. Students interested in pursuing a career in healthcare will particularly benefit from the course. The major emphasis is on the anatomy and function of the various body systems, with a minimal focus on the biochemistry. The course begins with an introduction to anatomical language, directional terms and a look at the organizational hierarchy of the body, followed by a study of the human body from cells to tissues to organ systems; recognizing how the systems behave in both health and disease. Labs involve a comparative study of tissues and organs, as well as some forensic and clinical analyses of some of the components of each system. Students are expected to take part in actual dissections. 



PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Biology A or H.  Completion of Chemistry A or H and/or Physics A or H.  Students may also concurrently enroll in Chemistry H or Physics H.  Teacher recommendation is required.

CREDIT: 1 Credit (STEM)

This full year course is designed for students who have a strong interest in the human body and how it works. Students interested in pursuing a career in medicine or some other healthrelated field will find this class particularly beneficial. This is a college level course with an extensive curriculum, including in depth studies of the structure, function and biochemistry of each system of the body. This course is vocabulary intensive and taught at greater depth than the Advanced level. It is strongly recommended that students who take this course earn a B or above in both Biology and Chemistry or Physics. The class begins with an introduction to anatomical language, directional terms and a look at the organizational hierarchy of the body, followed by a study of the human body from cells to tissues to organ systems; recognizing how the systems behave in both health and disease. There is a continued emphasis throughout the year on learning, recognizing, and understanding the language/terminologies used in the field of medicine. Labs involve a comparative study of tissues and organs, as well as some forensic and clinical analyses of some of the components of each system. Students are expected to take part in actual dissections.




This course may be offered as a co-taught course with the Special Ed department.  The science content will change each semester as may the science teacher.  The focus will be on science in our lives and our interactions with the world around us.  The course content will rotate between the major divisions in science while keeping a theme of interconnections between the disciplines and the interconnections between humans and the natural world.  A focus on the practical understanding of science in our daily lives will be another overarching theme. 

The course will be centered around the concept of peers as teachers.  The peers who select this class will do so with the understanding that they will be responsible, on a rotating basis, to work with the course instructor on developing and implementing adaptive science lessons that incorporate the themes above and include all students in the course.  

This course may be repeated for credit. 

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Social Studies

These courses count towards the 9 Humanities (HUM) credit requirements.

3.5 of the 9 credits MUST be in Social Studies as required for graduation

Of the 3.5 credits, all students must take1.0 credit of US History and .5 credit of Civics or Government.

The recommended sequence for Social Studies courses is:

Grade 9: Historian's Craft (S1) and Asian Studies (S2)

Grade 10: Early Modern World History (S1) and Modern World History (S2)

Grade 11:  US History I (S1) & US History II (S2) or AP US History (full year)

Grade 11 / 12:  Civics or AP Government and electives

HISTORIAN'S CRAFT - A (9th grade S1)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

In this course, students will learn to do the work of the historian: critical reading, thinking and writing about history through the careful study of primary and secondary sources. Foundational to these tasks is the art of close reading, which we will practice by reading the documents of ancient Greece, Persia, Rome and Carthage.

Students will also come to understand the power of words and subtle language and the difference between pathos, ethos and logos. Students will develop and execute an independent research project on a historical topic of their choosing as the culmination of this course. During this project, they will be putting into practice the skills of sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating and close reading. After completing the research process, students will then put into practice rhetorical devices to create a persuasive argument on their topic.

HISTORIAN'S CRAFT – H  (9th grade S1)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

In this course, students will learn to do the work of the historian: critical reading, thinking and writing about history through the careful study of primary and secondary sources. Foundational to these tasks is the art of close reading, which we will practice by reading the documents of ancient Greece, Persia, Rome and Carthage. 

Students will also come to understand the power of words and subtle language and the difference between pathos, ethos and logos. Students will develop and execute an independent research project on a historical topic of their choosing as the culmination of this course. During this project, they will be putting into practice the skills of sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating and close reading. After completing the research process, students will then put into practice rhetorical devices to create a persuasive argument on their topic. Students will be required to work independently, to utilize outside resources and readings that complement the course textbook, and to complete several academic centered writing assignments.

ASIAN STUDIES -A (9th grade S2)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

This course will study the history of the South Eastern civilizations from the Neolithic period to the Persian Empire and continue through India and China. The focus of this course will be making connections between the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of these ancient peoples with the modern countries that have developed from them. Throughout each unit, students will be exploring why it is important to have an understanding of the past, how religious systems impact the structure of a society, and the extent to which philosophy influences a society’s political and cultural values. They will also be analyzing how an economic policy can establish prosperity and influence.

ASIAN STUDIES – H (9th grade S2)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

This course will study the history of the South Eastern civilizations from the Neolithic period to the Persian Empire and continue through India and China. The focus of this course will be making connections between the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of these ancient peoples with the modern countries that have developed from them. Throughout each unit, students will be exploring why it is important to have an understanding of the past, how religious systems impact the structure of a society, and the extent to which philosophy influences a society’s political and cultural values. They will also be analyzing how an economic policy can establish prosperity and influence. Students will be required to work independently, to utilize outside resources and readings that complement the course textbook, and to complete several academic centered writing assignments.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

In this course, students will learn about the major events that mark the transition from the Middle Ages into the early modern period. Students  examine the impacts of these events from an array of perspectives. The course explores the development, spread, and conflicts among Christianity, Islam, and Judaism during  this period. The course also considers how civilizations can decline and new ones take their place.  Finally, students will examine how the world be- came connected as a result of the Age of Discovery and conquest. 



PREREQUISITE: Successful completion (Grade of C or better) of 1 credit of Honors level social studies and/or teacher recommendation. 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

Students will learn about the major events that mark the transition from the Middle Ages into the early modern period. Students examine the impacts of these events from an array of perspectives. The course explores the development, spread, and conflicts among Christianity, Islam, and Judaism during this period. The course also considers how civiliza- tions can decline and new ones take their place.  Finally, students will examine how the world be- came connected as a result of the Age of Discovery and conquest. The honors class is a rigorous, reading and writing-intensive course.  Students will work independently to read complex texts and write essays.

MODERN WORLD HISTORY - A  (10th grade S2)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

Modern World History examines the last two centuries of world history. It considers how modern political philosophy and principles of government steadily displaced ancient political systems. The course will also consider the impacts and effects of the modernizing processes of industrialization, imperialism, and globalization on different cultures around the world. Finally, students will explore the rise of nationalistic movements across the modern world.

MODERN WORLD HISTORY - H  (10th grade S2)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

Modern World History examines the last two centuries of world history. It considers how modern political philosophy and principles of government steadily displaced ancient political systems. The course will also consider the impacts and effects of the modernizing processes of industrialization, imperialism, and globalization on different cultures around the world. Finally, students will explore the rise of nationalistic movements across the modern world.

U.S. HISTORY I - A (11th grade S1)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

**The course will cover American history from Post-Reconstruction through Word War II**

U.S. History I and II survey developments in the United States beginning with the Post-Reconstruction era in America and concluding with the present day. Students will investigate important events, individuals, and developments from the 20th and 21st centuries. There will be a focus on the emergence of the United States as a global superpower and the changing role of government within American society.

Themes to be covered include: the development of American domestic and foreign policy, the significance of the American presidency, the country’s military involvement in various global conflicts, and the changes created by the civil-rights type movements in the lives of citizens. Throughout the course, students will analyze primary and secondary sources, develop historical arguments, and make historical comparisons. Students will be required to complete a research paper and give a formal presentation.

U.S. HISTORY II- A  (11th grade S2)


CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

**The course will cover American history from Word War II through present day**

U.S. History I and II survey developments in the United States beginning with the Post-Reconstruction era in America and concluding with the present day. Students will investigate important events, individuals, and developments from the 20th and 21st centuries. There will be a focus on the emergence of the United States as a global superpower and the changing role of government within American society.

Themes to be covered include: the development of American domestic and foreign policy, the significance of the American presidency, the country’s military involvement in various global conflicts, and the changes created by the civil-rights type movements in the lives of citizens. Throughout the course, students will analyze primary and secondary sources, develop historical arguments, and make historical comparisons. Students will be required to complete a research paper and give a formal presentation.

AP U.S. HISTORY– H (11th grade- S1-S2)


PREREQUISITE: Successful completion (Grade of C or better) of US History I or The Modern World at the Honors level. 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

AP U.S. History is an introductory college or university U.S. history course. In AP U.S. History students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in nine historical periods from approximately 1491 to the present. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and secondary sources; developing historical arguments; making historical comparisons; and utilizing reasoning about contextualization, causation, and continuity and change over time. The course also provides seven themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: American and national identity; migration and settlement; politics and power; work, exchange, and technology; America in the world; geography and the environment; and culture and society. 



CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

American Government/Civics is a state mandated requirement for graduation. The class will introduce students to the foundations of American democracy. American Government is a class designed to acquaint students with the origins, concepts, organizations, and policies of the United States government and political system. To increase comprehension, students will read and analyze relevant primary and secondary source documents and incorporate these ideas into the assigned material. Students will be asked to critically analyze source material and synthesize information to create relevant connections to their daily lives. Students will examine ways in which the understanding and practical application of power can impact powerful change locally and at the national level.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (CIV,HUM)

AP U.S. Government and Politics is an introductory college-level course in U.S. government and politics. Students cultivate their understanding of U.S. government and politics through analysis of data and text-based sources as they explore topics like constitutionalism, liberty and order, civic participation in a representative democracy, competing policy-making interests, and methods of political analysis. The course is rigorous, with nightly reading and homework assignments to prepare for a challenging AP exam in May.

This course meets the Civics requirement.




This course will provide students with an examination of the various psychological disorders as well as theoretical, clinical, and experimental perspectives of the study of psychopathology. Emphasis is on terminology, classification, assessment, and treatment of the major disorders. Upon completion, students should be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior patterns as well as demonstrate knowledge of etiology, symptoms, and therapeutic techniques.



PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of three social studies credits at the advanced or honors level and/or teacher recommendation. 


This course provides students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory psychology courses. Topics include research methods approaches, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, state of consciousness, learning, cognition, motivation and emotion, developmental psychology, personality, testing, abnormal psychology, treatment of psychological disorders, and social psychology. 

Students are prepared to take the AP Exam in May. 



CREDIT: 1 credit (HUM)

The Black and Latino Course of Studies is a one year elective in which students will consider the scope of Black and Latino contributions to U.S. history, society, economy, and culture. The course is an opportunity for students to explore accomplishments, struggles, intersections, perspectives, and collaborations of African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino people in the U.S. Students will examine how historical movements, legislation, and wars affected the citizenship rights of these groups and how they, both separately and together, worked to build U.S. cultural and economic wealth and create more just societies in local, national, and international contexts. Coursework will provide students with tools to identify historic and contemporary tensions around race and difference; map economic and racial disparities


COURSE # WSA016 (Fall), WSA017 (Spring) 

CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

This course introduces students to contemporary issues in global and national affairs from postWorld War II until today. The course examines problems facing the global and national community, as well as the prospects for governments, individuals, and international groups to address those problems. Issues include population and demographics, natural resources and the environment, the globalization of the economy, terrorism and threats to security, development and technology, global security, ethics, human rights, and the role of the United States and other regional powers in world affairs. The course prompts students to examine their views and their own activism as responsible members of society.

**Students may sign up for both the fall and spring semesters if they wish.



PREREQUISITE:  Senior Standing*

CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

The course will begin with the study of the Bill of Rights. This will enable students to examine their rights as U.S. citizens. The course will then take an in depth look at the American criminal justice system. The three components of the justice system (police, courts, and corrections) will form the core of the class. Members of the Waterford Police Department will visit the class to guest lecture on various topics associated with law enforcement.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

This course will offer a nuanced look at the history of Connecticut. Although the content is hyper local, it will be placed into the larger picture of American history. Topics including CT’s storied Revolutionary past, the development of our military machine industries, the civil rights movements in the mid 20th century, and the sustainable farming practices of today will be among the conflicts and shared successes that give CT the land of steady habits and Yankee ingenuity moniker.  The course will use an interdisciplinary and multimedia approach with meaningful field trips, local speakers and projects that are aimed at developing a sense of pride and ownership in the state we call home. 



CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

In the Advanced Placement European History course, students acquire a knowledge of the basic events and movements that occurred in Europe during the time period from approximately 1450 to the present. These events and movements are explored through three themes: intellectual and cultural history, political and diplomatic history, and social and economic history. In addition, students learn how to analyze historical documents and how to express their historical understanding in writing. Students can also earn UCONN ECE credit for Modern Western Traditions 1400. 

Students are prepared to take the AP Exam in May.

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World Languages

These courses count towards the 9 required "Humanities (HUM)" credits or open electives.

1 of the 9 credits MUST be in a World Language as required for graduation.

A minimum of 3 years of a World Language in high school is typically recommended for all college-bound students.



CREDIT: ½ Credit (HUM)

From Narcissus’s self-love to Arachne’s dangerous boasting, the stories of the Greeks and Romans have had a pervasive and profound influence on all areas of Western culture. This semester course introduces students to the origins and meanings of myths, and explores the ways that myth answers mankind’s most basic questions about himself and his place in the universe. Primarily concentrating upon the classical Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, the course will focus on stories about transformations (Ovid’s Metamorphoses) and, the most famous of all myths, the Trojan War - and the epic tradition of Homer. Students will explore, in multi-disciplinary fashion, the many ways that these stories have affected and continue to affect modern culture, from movies to literature to sculpture and painting. This course will be offered every two years. 

**This course does NOT count for the required credit in WL.  It may count towards Humanities (HUM) or Open Electives. 

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ASL Classes (American Sign Language) 



CREDITS: 1 Credit (HUM)

Dive into the Deaf World

Explore the language of the Deaf community with its origin story from our very own state! In American Sign Language I (ASL), students will start their journey into the Deaf World - developing a basic understanding of fundamentals in visual, receptive and expressive skills for grammar, facial-expressions, classifiers, fingerspelling and vocabulary building. The overarching goal is that students be able to hold beginning-level conversations in ASL. Along with the linguistic introduction, the history and cultural awareness of the Deaf community will also be addressed on a daily basis. This course is designed for students who have little or no previous knowledge of ASL. 



CREDITS: 1 Credit (HUM)

Students will continue diving into the Deaf World and falling in love with the language to further develop comprehension and production abilities in American Sign Language (ASL). The continuous development of conversational skills is the main goal with a focus on increasing fluency and accuracy. To progress, it is important that students continue to “listen” with their eyes and communicate with their hands. To encourage and foster the development of ASL and Deaf culture, spoken language (voicing) will not be used during most of the course. Students will continue to learn about and understand local Deaf history, Deaf culture, and the Deaf community. 

This course will be offered every other year: 

2024 - 25

2026 - 27

2028 - 29 

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French Classes



CREDIT: 1 credit (HUM)

In this course, students express and explore their own ideas, thoughts and experiences through this introduction to a second language. They engage in conversations about themselves and their immediate environment. They develop skill in pronunciation, intonation and vocal stress through interpersonal conversations in the classroom. They discover language structure and spelling patterns through a variety of authentic written and spoken material and their own production of the language.  ltimately, students expand their understanding of themselves, their language and their culture by comparing another language and culture to their own.

Recommendation: For students who have never taken French or who were not successful in their previous French 1 class. 




CREDIT: 1 credit (HUM)

Students will use another language to exchange information with others about events in their everyday lives and experiences from their past. They will make comparisons and exchange information in the target language regarding current events using authentic resources. They will listen to and read authentic materials in the target language, while participating in cultural activities. They will use oral and written language to relate to their own experiences, while making personal connections in the language being studied. 




CREDIT: 1 credit (HUM)

Students will use another language to engage in conversations about their personal aspirations, as well as both current and past events involving themselves and others. They will make comparisons using authentic sources and they will share personal experiences and feelings, while considering alternative viewpoints of members of the target culture. They will listen to and read authentic materials in the target language, while participating in authentic interactions with members of the target culture. They will use oral and written language to relate to their own experiences, while making personal connections with native speakers. 




CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

At the 4 Honors level, students will learn more advanced tenses, grammar, and more extensive vocabulary on a variety of subjects. Students will be expected to respond orally and in written form to longer, more comprehensive, authentic listening comprehension activities and reading selections from a variety of sources. They will write in greater detail in a variety of formats. This class is conducted in the target language.

Students will use the language to express feelings and opinions of personal experiences, as well as a variety of other topics. They will make comparisons using authentic sources and they will communicate in the target language describing and analyzing current events, and other relevant topics.


Course # WWH305


CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

At the French 5 Advanced Placement/Honors level, there will be a review of all grammar and continued practice in composition leading to command of practical idioms and vocabulary and students will be expected to master all tenses.

Students will be expected to master their ability to write compositions, letters, texts, e-mails, compare / contrast and synthesis essays. In depth development of speaking skills through cultural readings, group discussions, and oral presentations on selected topics concerning the French-speaking world are a major component of this class. Students will practice extensively the skills needed for the Advanced Placement test, including responding orally and in written form to longer, more comprehensive, authentic listening comprehension activities and reading selections from a variety of sources. This class is conducted in the target language.

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Latin Classes


COURSE # 284 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

How to Be a Roman

This introductory course is designed for students who have had no previous instruction in Latin. By stepping back in time as young Roman citizens, students start to build a foundation of Latin vocabulary to support them through higher levels. Students read Latin sentences and short stories, begin to use phrases and sentences, and write in Latin. Students develop a cultural understanding through readings and discussion. Students will develop novice level classical language skills and learn about Ancient Roman culture. 


COURSE # 286 


CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

The Expansion of the Empire & Romanization

This course continues to develop language skills for a stronger understanding of Latin. Students learn strategies to read longer passages of Latin with comprehension, as they continue their journey as young Romans in the ancient world. Students increase their understanding of Ancient Roman history and culture through varied texts and novellas about wars to discover how Rome exacted its rule through the governors/ tribal kings, everyday life, and mythology including the founding of Rome. 

LATIN 3 – H    

COURSE # WWH213   


CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

The 3 Cs of Rome 

This Honors (III) course will introduce students to the reading of authentic prose and poetry from some of the most influential writers of the late Roman Republic - the 3 Cs: Caesar, Cicero, and Catullus. Students will study the life of the authors and their timeline within Roman history and read selections from an account of the conquest of Gaul, de Bello Gallico to the lovesick poems to Lesbia. Students will continue to acquire the vocabulary and reading strategies to analyze, interpret, comprehend, and enjoy the language and literature, while starting to recognize and discuss literary and rhetorical devices in writing. 

ECE LATIN 4 – H  & LATIN 5 - H


COURSE # Latin 4 - WWH214 ; Latin 5- WWH205


CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

Changes in Rome from Illustrious Men & Famous Women and Augustan Rome and Anti-Hero Aeneas 

This UCONN ECE (IV) course focuses on Roman history through the reading of authentic Latin sources. Students will continue to acquire the vocabulary and reading strategies to analyze, interpret, comprehend, and enjoy the language and literature of these authors from the late Roman Republic and early Empire. A further emphasis will be on analyzing and contextualizing passages as well as focusing on literary and rhetorical devices and scansion. The course will alternate between study from the works of Ovid/Pliny/Tacitus/Cornelius Nepos (Year A) and Vergil/Horace (Year B).

Level IV and Level V are a combined course, taught concurrently to the same group of students, and readings for the course rotate on a two-year cycle. Students taking the course for the first time will be enrolled in Level IV  (WWH204) and Level V (WWH205) their second time.  Students are eligible for ECE credit both years.

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Spanish Classes



CREDITS: ½ Credit (HUM)

In this semester course, students will explore culture through geography, daily activities, food, transportation and travel.  Students will study cultural customs and necessary vocabulary in order to order food, shop, utilize different modes of transportation and plan a trip. Students will also be able to exchange pleasantries with Spanish speakers. No previous study of Spanish is needed. 

**The Introduction to Hispanic Culture courses are for students interested in the culture, language, and heritage, but are not yet ready for the Spanish 1-5 sequence.



CREDITS: ½ Credit (HUM)

In this semester course, students will explore culture through geography, art, music, television and film. Students will study cultural customs and necessary vocabulary in order to discuss the arts. Students may listen to radio programs, watch television programs and movies and view art. Students will also be able to exchange pleasantries with Spanish speakers.  No previous study of Spanish is needed. 

**The Introduction to Hispanic Culture courses are for students interested in the culture, language, and heritage, but are not yet ready for the Spanish 1-5 sequence.



CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

This year-long course is intended for students from homes where Spanish is used and who are able to communicate orally and understand the spoken language. These students would have had little or no formal training in grammatical structures of the language, reading or writing in Spanish. This course is designed to build upon the language base the students have. Students will be evaluated upon entrance to the course and the curriculum will be adapted to the needs of the students each year.  Students will write journal entries, essays, e-mails, formal letters, etc. Oral skills will be developed through presentations and class discussions. The students’ cultural knowledge, experience and perspective will be an integral part of the interpersonal environment of the classroom. 



CREDIT: 1 Credit  (HUM)

This course is the same as the course above with added rigor in grammar, written composition, and readings for speakers of Spanish.  It meets the UCONN requirements for Composition & Reading for Spanish Speakers. 



CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

In this course, students express and explore their own ideas, thoughts and experiences through this introduction to a second language. They engage in conversations about themselves and their immediate environment. They develop skill in pronunciation, intonation and vocal stress through interpersonal conversations in the classroom. They discover language structure and spelling patterns through a variety of authentic written and spoken material and their own production of the language.  Ultimately, students expand their understanding of themselves, their language and their culture by comparing another language and culture to their own. 

Recommendation: For students who have never taken Spanish or who earned an average of below 70 in their previous Spanish 1 class. 



PREREQUISITE: Spanish 1-A  or teacher recommendation

CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

Students will use another language to exchange information with others about events in their everyday lives and experiences from their past. They will make comparisons and exchange information in the target language regarding current events using authentic resources. They will listen to and read authentic materials in the target language, while participating in cultural activities. They will use oral and written language to relate to their own experiences, while making personal connections in the language being studied. 

Recommendation: For students who have successfully completed Spanish 1



CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

At the Honors 2 level, students will learn more tenses, more advanced grammar and more extensive vocabulary on a variety of subjects. Students will be expected to respond orally and in written form to longer, more comprehensive, authentic listening comprehension activities and reading selections from a variety of sources. They will write in greater detail in a variety of formats. The majority of the class is conducted in the target language. 




CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

Students will use the target language to engage in conversations about their personal aspirations, as well as current, past and future events involving themselves and others. They will make comparisons using authentic sources and they will share personal experiences and feelings, while considering alternative viewpoints of members of the target culture. They will listen to and read authentic materials in the target language. They will use oral and written language to relate to their own experiences. 




CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

At the 3 Honors level, students will learn more tenses, more advanced grammar, and more extensive vocabulary on a variety of subjects. Students will be expected to respond orally and in written form to longer, more comprehensive, authentic listening comprehension activities and reading selections from a variety of sources using appropriate form of address. More focus will be on students being able to communicate with peers in the target language regarding personal experiences and perspectives. They will write in greater detail in a variety of formats. This class is conducted in the target language.




CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

Students will use target language to participate in culturally appropriate exchanges with peers in the target language to express feelings and opinions of personal experiences, as well as a variety of other topics. They will make comparisons using authentic sources and they will communicate in the target language describing and analyzing events of mutual interest. They will listen to and read a variety of authentic materials in the target language and will use oral and written language to maintain interpersonal exchanges, while using various media resources for entertainment. This class is conducted in the target language. 




CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

At the 4 Honors level, students will learn more advanced tenses, grammar, and more extensive vocabulary on a variety of subjects. Students will be expected to respond orally and in written form to longer, more comprehensive, authentic listening comprehension activities and reading selections from a variety of sources. More focus will be on using a variety of media sources to interact interpersonally with native speakers. They will write in greater detail in a variety of formats. This class is conducted in the target language. 




CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

Students will participate in culturally appropriate exchanges in the target language to express feelings and opinions of personal experiences, as well as a variety of other topics. They will make comparisons using authentic sources and they will communicate in the target language describing and analyzing current events, social issues and personal views. They will listen to and read a variety of authentic materials in the target language in order to explore their effects on the larger community. 


COURSE # WWH105  (UCONN courses SPAN 3178 + SPAN 3179)

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Spanish IV Honors 

CREDIT: 1 Credit (HUM)

The AP Spanish/UCONN ECE covers both the UCONN Spanish 3178-3179 curriculum and AP Spanish Language curriculum. There will be a review of all grammar and continued practice in composition leading to command of practical idioms and vocabulary. Students will be expected to master their ability to write compositions, letters, texts, e-mails, compare /contrast and persuasive essays. In depth development of speaking skills through cultural readings, group discussions, and oral presentations on selected topics concerning the Spanish-speaking world are a major component of this class. Students will practice extensively the skills needed for the Advanced Placement test, including responding orally and in written form to longer, more comprehensive, authentic listening comprehension activities and reading selections from a variety of sources. This class is conducted in the target language.