College Credit Opportunities
WHS offers students multiple ways to earn college credit while enrolled in honors high school courses
UCONN Early College Experience (ECE) provides academically motivated students the opportunity to take university courses while still in high school. These challenging courses allow students to preview college work, build confidence in their readiness for college, and earn college credits that provide both an academic and a financial head-start on a college degree.
ECE instructors, who are certified as adjunct professors by UCONN, create a classroom environment fostering independent learning, creativity, and critical thinking – all pivotal for success in college. To support rigorous learning, University of Connecticut library resources are made available to all ECE students.
ECE students must successfully complete corresponding Waterford High School courses with a grade of C or better in order to receive university credit. University credits are highly transferable to other universities. For a complete list of transfer options, navigate to:
Students are charged a nominal per credit fee. For additional information visit:
Waterford Courses and UConn equivalents
AP/ECE Chemistry ------------------- CHEM 1127Q+ CHEM 1128Q
AP/ECE Spanish 5 -------------------- SPAN 3178 + SPAN 3179
Spanish for Heritage Speakers ----- SPAN 3177
ECE Biology --------------------------- BIO 1107+BIO 1108
AP Environmental Science --------- NRE 1000
AP/ECE European History --------- HIST 1400
ECE Latin III/IV ---------------------- CAMS 3102
ECE Marine Science ---------------- MARN 1003
AP/ECE Physics 1 ------------------- PHYS 1201Q
AP/ECE Physics 2 ------------------- PHY1202Q
These courses follow strict curriculum guidelines as prescribed by the College Board. The rigor and quality of AP courses is similar to that of college level courses. The skills students acquire in AP courses allow them to stand out in college admissions, earn college credit, and develop the habits of mind and content knowledge that position students to pursue even deeper, richer studies at a university. Students are encouraged to take an AP exam in each course for which they are registered. These exams are in May. College policies regarding AP credit are found at: creditandplacement/search-creditpolicies
AP Courses offered by Department
Math- Calculus AB Statistics
Science- Chemistry Physics 1 Physics 2 Environmental Science
English- English Language (gr. 11) English Literature (gr. 12)
Social Studies- U.S. History Government Psychology European History
World Language- French Spanish
Tech Ed- Computer Science
CT State Community College System
College Career Pathways (CCP) is a dual-enrollment program sponsored through the Connecticut State Department of Education and the CT STate Community College system. The CCP program is designed to nurture college and career exploration in students by offering classes that lead to both Waterford High School credit and college credit (a grade of C or higher is required to earn college credits).
Students take courses at no cost. These courses are taught at the high school by high school teachers who have been credentialed as adjunct instructors through the CT State Community College system. Upon graduation from high school, the student is under no obligation to attend any of the state community colleges. An official transcript may be requested from by students for the earned credits.
For information regarding a pre-requisite required by each course, please see your counselor. A copy of your WHS transcript is required to complete the CCP application and registration process. It will be submitted upon your completion of registration.
CT State Community College Pathway classes:
WHS: Course # 633, 634 Early Childhood Education and Internship
CT State (Three Rivers Campus): ECE K101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
WHS: Course # 575 CAD/Drafting II CAD
CT State (Three Rivers Campus): K106/107 Computer-Aided Drafting w/Lab
WHS: Course # 579 Architectural Drafting
CT State (Three Rivers Campus): ARC K135/135L Construction Graphics w/Lab
WHS: Course # WTN560 Adv. Automotive Engineering
CT State (Gateway Campus): Auto1030 Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair.
Three Rivers High School Partnership Program (HSP): This program is currently available for eligible high school juniors and/or seniors who wish to study subjects not offered in high school, broaden their education, earn college credits, explore career options or build on their skills. Eligible students will attend Three Rivers Community College and be funded for one college course per semester on a space available basis. Special fees, such as course lab fees and art studio fees, book/supplies and transportation are the student’s responsibility. Each high school will have a cap of four students.
Connecticut College New London Scholars Program: This program gives local high schools the ability to nominate two high -chieving seniors to the New London Scholars Program each semester. A successful nomination allows these students to each enroll--for free--in a 100-level, four credit academic course at Connecticut College.
Johnson and Wales University Pro-Start Program: Students who successfully complete Culinary Pro-Start II earn college credit if pursuing this area of study at the University.