Watauga High School & Watauga Innovation Academy
Student Services
300 Go Pioneers Drive, Boone, NC 28607
Phone: 828-264-2407 ext 10219 Fax: 828-268-0491
Watauga High School and Innovation Academy Student Services Department will provide all students with the skills, support, and information necessary to reach their chosen post-secondary path. Our students will have the opportunity to explore, engage, and enrich their educational experience through academic, career, and personal/social support provided by our team. We provide access to a comprehensive school counseling program so that students are prepared for further education, a career, and productive citizenship.
We provide support for a variety of concerns, including academic issues, social & emotional needs, stress & anxiety, self-advocacy, college prep and more.
To contact a specific member of student services, you can find contact info on the "Meet Our Staff" page. If you're not sure of the correct person to address your needs, start with your counselor (alphabetical by last name); we will point you in the right direction.
We look forward to hearing from you!
How to Stay Informed - GET CONNECTED!!!
If you would like to get on our email distribution list so that you can stay in the know sign up here!
We are excited to have your family join our school. You can find all of the information to get your student registered here.
Transcripts and immunization records, Schools requesting records for transfer students, and third parties requesting Education Verifications use this link.
Click here to learn about academic planning, tutoring and other supports, enrichment opportunities and more!
Information for 2-year, 4-year, and certificate program planning can be found here
Driver's Ed is offered by the NC Driving School and is housed at WHS. Click here to get info on how to register your student for Driver's Ed.
Important Announcements! Find information here including the senior timeline, and important information on attendance appeals.