
Planet Flip book early finishers--Choose one of these if you are caught up on all of your science work:

GIZMOS--Read this for how to enroll: Gizmos student enrollment directions. Make sure to use the correct period code regardless of what's on the directions!

Gizmos class codes by period.

  • Period 1-PPJTCP
  • Period 2-DZQNG3
  • Period 3-ZBMD84
  • Period 5-ZG3D9R
  • Period 6-KDVX6V


ReadWorks Student Quickstart guide

Student login -through Google Classroom

Reteaching activities-see below

Rotation and Revolution

Gravity and Inertia

Student Copy Rotation and Revolution
Reteaching of Gravity and Inertia

Links, songs, etc. for the Solar System

Blue’s Clues song-

Moon Phase vocabulary retake