Outside Dixie Student Questions

Instructions below for Outside/Utah Online Dixie Students

(South West High School students, Private School students, and Home School Students, are allowed to take driver ed with Dixie High, but there are requirements to be able to add them to the class.  See Questions and Answers.  They would sign up with the regular classes posted here.)

Utah Online Instructions

Starting this summer WCSD students cannot take driver ed through Utah Online it must be done within boundary school.

Utah Online students just wanting to drive still send me the following information along with your Street Smarts Certificate and your 40 hour log.  Mr. Peacock also needs to have already input your final Utah Online Grade to be able to schedule driving.

1.  Please upload photo of Receipt from Dixie High Finance office for the online class, $175, it covers the class, the driving and test.  The finance office will be open at Dixie High open Mon-Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm during the school year.   If you don't have a school email you will need to wait until you register with Kelly Hansen at our counseling office.  You must be enrolled at the school district to be able to take this class.  

Then email a picture of the receipt to me at israel.meadows@washk12.org:  

2.  Also email me with the following information: 

Full name on student's permit and 9 Digit Permit Number

Permit issue date

Parent email

Student cell

Parent cell

School District email to add them to Canvas as well as be covered while doing the Behind the Wheel Portion

3.  Streets Smarts Certificate and 40 Hour parent driving log

*****Even if you are just driving you need to be registered with the school district.  Stop by the counseling office at Dixie High School and speak to Kelly Hansen about registering as a temporary student.  Her email is kelly.hansen@washk12.org  You will need a student id and a school district email to be able to take driver ed with Dixie High. If your student isn't registered for this purpose with the Washington County School they will not be covered for the driver ed car insurance, and therefore, can't take this course at Dixie High School.  

Here is a link to some general questions about how driver ed works.
