WHS DigCit  Discussions

DigCit Discussion Topics

What is Digital Citizenship

Our goal is to help students take ownership of their digital lives and empower them to navigate social media and technology in a positive way.

Digital Life/Digital Overload

We are connected digitally all the time, as the stats show. Is this a good thing or a challenging thing? What are our digital habits? Take a questionnaire to find out. What steps might we take to keep our digital life in check and in-balance?

Digital Footprint

Your digital footprint is the data trail left by all your digital transactions, across devices and applications. What does your digital footprint look like? Does it matter?

Digital Activism

Digital connectivity has allowed young people to take action for change in the world. As we know, many people talk about the cons of social media. Let's explore the many ways social media can and has been used to create change, spread positive messaging, and  go beyond "liking" someone's Insta photo.

Digital Privacy

The more we do online, the more data we leave behind. Is this a problem? Is there anything you can do to keep more of your online life private?

Be a Digital Creator 

With digital assets anyone can become a painter, musician, photographer, blogger. Or you can watch thousands of YouTube vids from your couch. You decide which you want to do.

Digital Identity

Who are we online and how does that differ from how we present ourselves offline? What are the implications of having different identities online and offline? Is it important to be authentic in how we present ourselves in a world where things are not always the way they seem?

Nine Resources for Teaching DigCit From ISTE 

Review these resources to help our students develop digital literacy in a digital world that is ever-changing and often confusing.  

Deep Fakes 

"Deepfakes" are a category of videos that use AI to create or recreate a video using someone's face and voice in a place or scenario that looks and sounds real. Think about the old Photoshop tricks on steroids demonstrated in the Einstein image above. 

AI in Education

Artificial Intelligence has been used for years, but the launch of ChatGPT and DallE by OpenAI took the market by storm. What is AI, how can it be used in education while maintaining academic integrity and not plagiarising?