Digital Footprint

Question: What is a Digital Footprint in the 21st Century and Why Does it Matter?

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to ...

  • learn that they have a public presence online called a digital footprint.
  • recognize that any information they post online can help or hurt their image and future opportunities, including their chances for college admission or employment.
  • consider how to present an authentic and positive image of themselves online.

ISTE Standards: 1a,1b,1c,1d,2a,2b,3d,6a,7b,7c,7d


Small Group Discussions

Each group will choose one of the following readings then discuss the questions below.

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you think the consequences were fair? Why? Why not?
  • Do you think the people involved regretted their decisions?
  • Is this just kids being kids or is it part of needing to be aware in a new digital climate?
  • Do you think parents/adults have the same consequences when they digitally misstep?


FlipGrid Reflection: Choose one of the articles that your group did NOT read. What are your thoughts about the consequences of their actions? Were they fair? Unfair? Predictable? Using examples from the reading, add your reflection to a class FlipGrid. Teachers: You will need to create your own FlipGrid and send out a link to students via Google Classroom. Click here for example of a class FlipGrid. Not sure about FlipGrid? Click Here to learn more.

Freshman Seminar Teachers and Mentors: If you would like to demo this, please go to . You can answer the question "What is Your DigCit?" How can you be a mentor or support Digital Citizenship in your classroom and/or throughout our school? You will need to make sure your device has a camera and a microphone.

Group Reflection:


  1. Is your footprint (your online profile) positive, negative, or neutral? What would others say that don’t know you?
  2. How do you want to be perceived offline? How about online? Is there a difference in your actions in those spaces?
  3. How would you define your digital self? What characterizes you online?
  4. What advice would you give a younger student or friend just starting to use online tools?
  5. How would employers or college admissions officers define your digital self?
  6. If we were to look you up online what would we learn about you ?
  7. Is there anything about you online that you wouldn't want your teacher/parent/grandparent to see or hear about ?

Looks Like I Need to Do a Little Digital Housecleaning!

Link to Google Slideshow: Cleaning Up Your Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint: How to Clean It Up



Digital Footprint Inventory: Analyze at least 100 of your OWN posts on the social networking site of your choice. If you have to combine sites, that's fine. Try to use just one if at all possible. You are welcome to go back further than 100 posts. Using a tally mark, students will indicate the focus and impact of their posts. Allows students to examine their digital footprint and assess what it says about them. Teachers: Send this Digital Footprint Inventory document out to students via Google Classroom. They will be forced to make a copy and can submit.


Create a Poster That Could Be Hung Up in WHS Hallways to Encourage Students to Be Mindful of Their Digital Footprint. Use one of the following tools: