Digital Identity

Social Media: Who Are You Online?

Question: Who are You Online? How do you present yourself to the world online vs offline?

Nearpod Lesson:

ISTE Standards: 1a,1b,1c,1d,2a,2b,3d,6a,7b,7c,7d

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to ...

  • reflect on the similarities and differences in how people represent themselves online and offline.
  • understand that they might choose to show different parts of themselves online, depending on context and audience.
  • consider the risks and benefits of assuming different personas online, and think critically about what it means to be genuine in an online context.

Being Fake or Real Online: Conversation Starters

  • How do some people exaggerate or seem very different online than in person.

  • How do you explain these differences between their online and in-person personas?

  • Are there risks for creating an online presence that is very different than the offline one? Are there benefits?

  • What are other reasons people might feel they can act in ways online that they wouldn’t offline?

Why Do You Think Students Change Their Identities On-Line?

Can You Think of Other Examples You've Seen?

Have You Ever Assumed a Fake Identity OnLine or a Finsta? Why? Did it Work For You? Positives? Negatives?

Watch This Video and Reflect On What You Identify WIth?

  • Why Do You Think Students Change Their Identities On-Line?

Can You Think of Other Examples You've Seen?

Have You Ever Assumed a Fake Identity OnLine or a Finsta? Why? Did it Work For You? Positives? Negatives?

Being Fake or Real Online: Conversation Starters

  • Ramon talks about how some people exaggerate or seem very different online than in person. How do you explain these differences between their online and in-person personas?
  • Are there risks for creating an online presence that is very different than the offline one? Are there benefits?
  • What are other reasons people might feel they can act in ways online that they wouldn’t offline?

Activity 1:

Check out the link to this NYT slideshow showing real people compared to their online Avatars. Look at this as a class. Why do you think they may have chosen their Avatars? Fill oot the document as you view the slides. You may want to show the slides without a discussion first, then have students share their responses once they have been filled out.

New York Times: Online/Offline Link to article (below)

Link to Google Document for Distribution. You will make a digital copy and fill it out.

Avatar Assignment

Distribute this document. Students will be forced to make a copy. They will be asked to take a stand on the pros and cons of Finsta accounts. They will then break up into two teams and debate the two sides of the issue. You might make a copy of this document and add different requirements for the debate.



Create Your Own Avatar

Go to the website

Avatarmaker: Free simple DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING

Create an Avatar of yourself

  1. For an image you’d like to project other than yourself for access to an online group, game, discussion.Download your image. It will save to Drive, Paste your image here. Explain why you created the avatar in the manner you chose.

2. Create an avatar for an image you’d like to project for school, college or a professional job. Download image. Save to Drive. Paste your image here. Explain why you created this avator in the manner you chose.


Creating Your Digital Brand:

Create a collaborative slideshow with your class. Once you have added your slide to the deck, please be sure you do not access anyone else's slide. All edit changes are saved and can be reviewed by teachers. Teachers: You will need to create the slidedeck template in Google Slides and share with your class in Google Classroom. Make sure it is editable.

  • Add a slide by pressing the + button at the top
  • Use your phone or Chromebook and have your friend take a picture of you. Consider, whether the photo portrays the image and brand that you would like to portray? Once you have your image CLICK HERE to see how to edit your image on Google.
  • Paste your picture on the slide ((Ctrl + V) or (Edit + Paste)
  • Add a background image or color
  • Personalize your slide through words or images by sharing:

3 things we should know about you

2 characteristics you would like your digital brand to portray

1 reason digital "branding" is important for high school students

Reflection: Do you think you currently have a positive “digital brand?” Are there steps you would like to take to clean up your digital brand?


FlipGrid Reflection

Teacher: Create a FlipGrid and share the Join Code with your class.Students can answer the following questions in five minutes or less.

  • How does your persona change depending on the context, online and offline?

  • What are the benefits of and problems with being anonymous or less inhibited online?

  • What are some risks and benefits to presenting yourself differently online than offline?

  • What responsibilities do you have to yourself and others to “stay real” online, even when you exaggerate or act differently?