Warden Park

Secondary Academy

Open Evening 2021

Prospectus 2022 email.pdf

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

I am delighted to be able to welcome you to Warden Park Secondary Academy. It is a real privilege to be Headteacher of a school with such a strong and enviable tradition for high standards in academic achievement and excellence in sports, the arts and charitable community projects.

As Headteacher my focus is on helping students achieve their potential. I strongly believe that education has the power to transform lives and must therefore be focused on empowering young people; developing them personally, socially and emotionally, as well as academically, and crucially igniting in them a passion for learning that will sustain them throughout their lives. Here at Warden Park Secondary Academy we are therefore committed to offering the highest quality education to our students, an education that is rich in variety and opportunity, that fully embraces digital technologies and that develops our students into confident and aspirational young adults ready to thrive in their academic, work and personal lives in the years beyond the Academy.

The outstanding relationships that exist between teachers, students, parents and carers and the local community sit at the very heart of our successes and this strong bond provides students with a firm foundation on which to grow and develop. Through this relationship we ensure that our students are fully supported in their learning and development and complete Year 11 having made outstanding progress and feeling proud of their many achievements.

My expectations of our students in terms of their achievement and conduct are very high. I expect all students to work hard, to be ambassadors of the school, to wear their uniform and represent the Academy with pride and to display the highest standards of behaviour in and beyond the Academy and I look forward to working in partnership with you to achieve this.

Kind regards,

Dom Kenrick

A huge welcome to our Warden Park Academy Open Evening!

Normally approximately 250 of our Year 7 students will act as tour guides on our Open Evening. Of course these students are only in their second week of school and yet they already know their way around our site and are happy to confidently talk to prospective parents and youngsters about Warden Park life. I am so proud of our new students and every year I am amazed at how they very quickly adjust to their new learning environment.

Our Year 7 pastoral team which includes ten tutors, Pastoral Support Officers, a Deputy Head of Year 7 and myself strive to ensure that every student feels settled and part of the team. We plan and deliver a bespoke schedule of tutor activities every morning to support students in the transition process. During these sessions we love celebrating success - whatever that might be - sporting achievements, positive behaviour points, Star Student, taking part in music productions or being kind!

Secondary school is a time for growing up, making positive choices and taking every advantage of opportunities available here at Warden Park. It will be the first time that students will learn Science in a Science lab, Music in a specialist music room with computers and keyboards for all to write musical pieces, Technology rooms with hand tools and machinery, vast sports halls and sports staff who are accomplished, award winning sports champions themselves.

All in all, it is my opinion that our school is a great school and I feel very lucky and proud to be a part of the team that is Warden Park Secondary Academy.

We hope you enjoy our Open Evening

Mrs C O'Brien

Head of Year 7
