Character Development

Character Education: Mission Statement

At Warden Park Academy, we believe that the development of every students’ character is fundamental to our purpose. Our aim is to empower all of our students with the understanding that their character is equally as important to their future happiness and success in life as academic learning and qualifications. To this end, we aim to help each student develop their character and to set them on a lifetime journey of character development.

In order for character education to be absorbed by our pupils, it must become an integral, natural part of school life. It needs to be reflected in the school ethos and values and incorporated into all parts of day-to-day school life and routine, because everything experienced by a student at our school affects character.

Character Education across the Academy

  • All curriculum areas have selected some specific character traits to be a focus within their teaching.

  • Each student is assessed across all curriculum areas on a CFL (Character for Learning) level.

  • All assemblies have a Character focus.

  • In the Year 8 Graduation scheme, students are set challenges with specific Character focus.

  • The Kindness Council has a specific role in promoting kindness across the school.

  • Tutor activities across the school have specific Character based activities.

  • Staff have regular whole school INSET on implementing the development of character within their responsibility areas.
