Any questions?

Below are some frequently asked questions that may be of help. However, if you have any further questions about Warden Park, please click on the question mark and complete the form. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.

How many students are there at Warden Park Secondary Academy?

We have 300 students in a year group and 1500 students in total.

Where is Warden Park's catchment area and am I likely to be given a place for my son or daughter?

Parents must always put their first choice of secondary school for their child on the Admission form, even if other secondary schools are nearer to their home address. WSCC Admissions will always try to accommodate 1st choice schools. Please refer to Admissions at WSCC for catchment area queries.

How can I apply for my child to come to Warden Park Academy?

Please contact Admissions at West Sussex County Council. Complete an Admissions form and return it to WSCC by 31st October.

When will I hear if my child has got a place at Warden Park Academy?

Admissions at WSCC will inform parents on 1st March.

My child currently attends Warden Park Primary Academy or Northlands Wood Primary. Can my child get a place at Warden Park Secondary Academy?

Warden Park Secondary Academy, Warden Park Primary Academy and Northlands Wood Primary are part of the Sussex Learning Trust. As such students from WPPA and NWP are entitled to a place at WPSA if they choose so. Parents of students from WPPA and NWPA should complete the Supplementary Information Form (found on our website) and return it to the Transition Pastoral Support Officer at WPSA.

We have a child in current Year 11 at WPSA but they will have left by the time their sibling starts, hopefully in Year 7. Will they get a place?

Parents in this situation should complete the Supplementary Information Form (found on our website) and return it to the Transition Pastoral Support Officer at WPSA.

Does Warden Park Secondary Academy organise interventions and events to help new Yr 7 students and their parents with transition?

Yes. Normally we invite all Yr 6 students who have been afforded a place at WPSA, to an Induction Day, here at school in July before they join us in September. Yr 6 parents are invited to an information evening at WPSA, usually held at the end of June. This is an opportunity to meet your child's tutor. (Due to COVID-19, alternative arrangements were put in place so that parents and new students received transition information virtually in Summer 2020.)