Exit Slips

A Common Exit Slip should be completed by all PD participants at the end of every professional learning session.

It includes:

  • 4 multiple choice questions that remain the same each time to enable comparison and alignment over time and across experiences

    • Formatted as "To what extent do you agree with this statement?":

        • I felt safe and supported by my colleagues in my learning.

        • Today's session's content contributed to my professional growth.

        • I will take concrete actions to improve my students' learning based on today's session.

        • The session's learning aligns with the district goal of achieving equity and excellence for every student.

  • 3 open-response questions that may change over time to support the PD Committee's decision-making, for example:

      • Reflect: What are your biggest takeaways from today's session?
      • Commit: How will the learning impact your future practice?
      • General Session Feedback: Do you have any actionable feedback (positive and/or negative) on today's session's facilitation?

  • 1 optional presenter question tailored to the session to gauge impact

PD Facilitators are expected to provide a minimum of 5 minutes at the end of a session to complete the Exit Slip.

Note to PD Facilitators:

If/ when you copy and use the Exit Slip Template, please:

  • Include the course title and your last name in the file name.
  • Invite Suzana Somers as a collaborator. (She will create a linked spreadsheet of responses and link it to the Data Studio Dashboard so that you can access it after every session.)
  • Do not edit the questions or formatting in ANY way. This is important so that the data can be aggregated with the rest of the PD data in Data Studio.

One month after PDRTs are complete. Participants will be asked about whether they feel they have been successful in making the changes in practice described in the outcome-based objectives, and to estimate the short-term and long-term impact on their students’ achievement.

The exit slips will be reviewed by three audiences.

PD Session Facilitators are expected to review their exit slips, use the feedback to plan the next session, and, in subsequent sessions, report the key themes from the exit slips back to the participants, including any changes made in response to that feedback.

The PD Committee will review Exit Slips in each meeting. It will look at aggregate data to identify overall trends and gaps; look at session data to see if PD providers are responding to the feedback they are getting; and examine comments (and who submits them) to determine any next steps needed. In addition, annually they will use this information to make decisions about which PD providers should continue to be tapped for future PD.

The Assistant Superintendent will follow up on findings from the PD Committee’s review of Exit Slips and intervene directly with support and accountability for PD Session Facilitators who are not meeting the standards set by our Vision of Professional Learning.


Your exit slip responses will remain anonymous; email addresses are not collected by the form. If you provide identifying details in your responses, it may be possible to deduce who you are. For this reason, before responses are shared publicly, they will be reviewed and edited, if necessary, to maintain confidentiality.

When names must be collected for attendance and/or PDP purposes, or in order to secure 100% participation, names will be collected in a separate linked survey accessible at the end of the Exit Slip so that this identifying information is not associated with survey responses.