Daily Basics

Let's slide into this school year on the right foot!

The questions and answers below should help you hit the ground running in 5th grade.

What time does the school day start?

Class starts at 8:35 am sharp both in-person and online.

We will begin each day with a live morning meeting (via Google Meets during remote learning). If you are late for this meeting you will receive a tardy as you would during in-person learning.

Students should be dressed, have eaten breakfast, and be ready for a full school day when they arrive to class at 8:35.

While it is easy to fall out of these routines when learning online, it is important to set a normal schedule. This will keep school running smoothly as we move between online and in-person learning.

What will our daily schedule look like?

While our ...


...they will look similar to the schedule shown to the right.

When does the school day end?

3:00 p.m.

Like a standard in-person school day, remote school days will also end at 3:00 p.m. Please avoid scheduling other activities until this time.

What if my child is unable to attend a full day of class?

As you would for an in-person school day, please report this absence to the school secretary at 781-314-5170 and contact your child's teacher.

Any unexcused absents will be addressed in the same manner they would be for in-person learning.

How can I help my child be successful learning this year?

This year is going to be like none other before. While much of this year will be new, there are a few things you can do to help your child find success.

  1. Create a student office.

    • It does not have to be fancy! This area should be quiet and free of distractions. Make sure your child has a comfortable chair and a small area or table to work from.

    • Please do not go out and buy new furniture, but do make sure your child has a designated learning area.


  1. Check-in with your child regularly

    • In 5th grade we typically ask parents to give children more independence, but this year is different our kids will need our gentle nudges toward responsibility.

    • Discuss your expectations with your child about their learning EARLY and OFTEN.

    • Set-up your Google Classroom Guardian account to receive regular emails about your child's progress.

  1. Monitor your emails/texts too!

    • We teachers will be checking in frequently with you as well. As always, your support is ESSENTIAL to your child's success.

Check-in with your kids regularly

Create a Student Office

Use headphones or earbuds

Check your email/texts too