The Three P's


Consistent attendance at rehearsal is crucial for success in a performance ensemble. If a student is absent from rehearsal, it is their responsibility to gather any rehearsal notes from a classmate. Every student is expected to be in their seat waiting to begin rehearsal when the second bell rings. Excessive tardiness will result in a deduction of points from the student’s attendance grade. Please note that excessive absences, whether just from rehearsal or from school in general, can result in the removal of the student from a concert or other performance opportunity.


Your music (in your chorus folder) and a pencil are mandatory for every rehearsal, and will be checked at random throughout the school year. If a student is consistently unequipped with these items at rehearsals, points will be deducted from their ensemble contribution grade. You are responsible for your music and your music alone. Do not keep another student’s music for them, or ask another student to keep your music with them. If music is lost, students must pay for replacement copies.


Successful participation in chorus can be determined by how closely a student follows the rehearsal expectations Students will formally evaluate their participation twice every quarter. These evaluations will serve as half of their official participation grade. In their evaluation, students will be asked to assess the extent to which they adhere to ideal rehearsal expectations for participation and conduct, and chorus room rules.