Whatever you be feeling after the recent election, we continue to hold space for those feelings. The road ahead can feel scary and uncertain, but there is power in unity and there is empowerment in having a plan going forward. Wake NCAE remains committed to fighting for our public schools, educators, and students. Turn what you're feeling into action and join us in the fight!
Team Wake Wins worked hard this election!
NCAE members from across Wake County came together to canvass thousands of doors and greet thousands of voters at the polls for pro-public school candidates. Check out our "2024 General Election" tab to see our wins!
Building Team Training
Are you interested in getting more involved in our local union? Would you like to learn about our Wake NCAE Strategic Plan? Want to start thinking about organizing your building?
Email President Christina Spears (president@wakencae.org) to set up a one-on-one conversation to talk more about it!
Wake NCAE Calendar
Join us for our DECEMBER mass meeting!
Join us as we build a fighting union working to improve conditions for school staff and win the public schools our students deserve. Childcare and dinner will be provided!
Team Wake Wins in the news!
Join the Wake NCAE group to share RedForEd pictures and get announcements for WCPSS employees.
What is Wake NCAE doing right now?
Celebrating our wins in the 2024 election!
Learning from our losses and engaging in strategic planning moving forward!
Campaigning for better conditions in schools!
Asking our co-workers to join the union!
Turning our co-workers out to building team training!
Wearing our Red For Ed every Wednesday!
Check your personal email for your weekly Member Newsletter!