Standards Based Learning Information

The BHS English Department is transitioning to Standards Based Learning.

Read below for more information about what this means for your child and their learning or click on one of the two buttons below for further information.

Our department is implementing standards-based learning in our 9 and 9 Honors English courses. Below are resources for students and parents to understanding not only what standards-based learning is in general, but how it will be implemented in our department. Our goal in implementing this is to improve student learning and feedback with all stakeholders.

Please reach out to Tom Demos, Janel Klinetobe, or your student's teacher with any further questions.

“Students can learn without grades, but they can’t learn without timely, descriptive, timely feedback.” -Rick Wormeli

“A grade should not be compensation but communication.” -Rick Wormeli

This graphic explains what our learning progressions look like for each skill in our classes. Our goal is to ensure each student grows to get as close to the target as they can.