Getting Started with Canvas


Because it is built using web standards, Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser. Canvas supports the last two versions of every major browser. Click here for a full list of supported browsers.


Most Canvas features are supported on mobile devices. Mobile apps are also freely available for both smartphones and tablets.

Logging in

Users with a VUnetID:

  • Go to

  • Login with your VUnetID and password

  • Click on the Canvas tile on your VUweb homepage to enter Canvas

Note: you can also access Canvas directly by going to and logging in with your VUnetID and password.

Note: if you do not remember your username or password or if you want to reset it, go to the 'Reset Password' page.

Users without a VUnetID:

Note: if you don't remember your username or password or if you want to reset it, go to the 'Reset Password' page.


The Dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log into Canvas. The Dashboard helps you see what is happening in all your current courses. You can return to your Dashboard at any time by clicking the Dashboard link in Global Navigation.


By clicking on 'Courses' in Global Navigation on the left side of the screen you can see a list of all the courses in which you are enrolled. Please be aware that enrolling in courses is done in VUweb and not in Canvas!

Note: in your list of all courses you are able to 'star' your courses. All starred courses will automatically be shown on the Dashboard for easy access.

Profile and Other Settings

Profiles allows you to update your name, preferred contact methods, and any personal links for your account. You can customize your notification settings here.

Note: you can only receive notifications in your email, if you validate your email address in Canvas. To validate your email address, you have to take the following steps:

  1. In the Global Navigation Menu, click Account and click Settings.

  2. If there is an exclamation mark next to your email address, then your email address is not yet verified. Hover over this sign to get information and follow the instructions.

  3. A confirmation link will be sent to your email address. To confirm your email address, click the link in that email. Make sure to check your spam box in case it got filtered.


Problems using Canvas? Send an email to the Studentenbalie, give them a call (020-5985020) or drop by - Hoofdgebouw VU.