Access to Canvas

  • I am in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria or the region of Crimea and I cannot log in on Canvas. Why is that and what should I do?

Unfortunately access to Canvas is not possible in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and the region of Crimea. This is due to U.S.A. law enforcement that Instructure, the parent company of Canvas, has to obey to. For more information see https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-11005-67952736995

If you cannot log in on Canvas in one of these countries, we advise you to contact your teacher via email.

Canvas App

  • How can I find the Canvas app?

Search for 'Canvas by Instructure' in your Store. When installed, search for 'Vrije Universiteit' and you will find the VU Amsterdam.


  • My personal schedule is not visible within the Canvas Calendar.

That is correct; you should be aware that the Canvas Calendar is not synchronized with your personal schedule on VUnet. Your personal schedule can be found on VUnet and at rooster.vu.nl. Only use the Calendar for created assignments and events within Canvas. It is possible however to export your Calendar content to your phone's calendar app.


  • There are no courses on my Dashboard / I cannot find a specific course on my Dashboard.

There are 3 possibilities:

- It is possible that your teacher has not published the course yet. Please wait until the start of your course or ask your teacher.

- You may have removed the course from your dashboard. Go to Courses > All Courses and star the course you want to see on your dashboard. If your course is not listed there, than there is another issue.

- You are not registered for the programme or course. Please check at the Student Desk.

  • I cannot see some parts of my course.

Probably, your teacher has not published that part of the course (yet). Ask you teacher if needed.

Google Drive

  • Which account should I use when using Google Drive in Canvas?

Since mid September 2017 everyone at the VU has a VU Google account (your account name is your VU or ACTA email address). Always make sure you are using your VU Google account - and not your personal account - when using Google Drive in Canvas. Click here for a step by step instruction on how to do this.


  • Are you getting a notification while using Kaltura (in Internet Explorer) that you have to allow third party session cookies to proceed?

Adjust your settings by clicking on Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced -> Third Party Cookies -> Accept -> OK.


  • Can I receive my notifications on a personal email address?

Yes, that is possible. Go to Account -> Settings -> Add email address. After doing so, go to your Account -> Notifications and set the notifications for your extra email address.

  • I do not receive my notifications on my VU/personal email

You can only get the notifications in your email, if you validate your email address in Canvas. To validate your email address, you have to take the following steps:

    1. In the Global Navigation Menu, click Account and click Settings.

    2. If there is an exclamation point next to your email address, then your email address is not yet verified. Hover over this sign to get information and follow the instructions.

    3. A confirmation link will be sent to your email address. To confirm your email address, click the link in that email. Make sure to check your spam box in case it got filtered.

  • Can I adjust notifications for a specific course?

Yes, you can: for any course that you're enrolled in, you can go to course's home page (usually the Syllabus page) then click on View Course Notifications on the menu to the right, there you can adjust notifications for this course.


Problems using Canvas? Send an email to the Studentenbalie, give them a call (020-5985020) or drop by - Hoofdgebouw VU.