Sept 25 Meeting

We are planning to bring together those that responded to the “all-call” for those interested in Computer Science.

Please save the date of September 25th.. we will be meeting in the Agency of Education offices (219 N. Main St., Barre, VT) in Room 304. Parking is across the street behind the Granite City Group Fitness place.. (an old Depot), just keep going there slightly right to Metro Center.. parking is out in that lot behind there.

Enter 219 N. Main on the side entrance.. look for signage, and take elevators to the 3rd floor and look for more signage.. room is around the corner from elevator bank.

We’ll meet from 9AM to Noon. Lunch has to be on your own.. but we can recommend places in town if we want to go out together after. Positive Pie is on our first floor.

Tentative Agenda:

1. Information on the partnership—how individuals in this group can help:

-be a part of the effort

-promote the effort regionally

-Help start planning an agenda for Hour of Code week

2. Local resources—what is out there?

-Who is capable/able to provide ANY kind of professional development on:


Building computers

Training teachers in integrating computer science, problem solving, etc.

3. The standards update: Who wants to be involved, who can be?

4. Hour of Code week.. how can we make it really encourage schools?

What resources can we bring to bear?

5. What is the Computer Science related need in VT?

-How can we foster an active network?

-How can we connect to other state initiatives? NH, RI, etc.

6. Some kind of planning work will ensue, and we hope to develop a list of ideas and tasks to move forward.

7. Interest in RI CSTA conf? I may have a possible van to take a group.. discussion.