Aug 15, 2018


August 15, 12:30 - 2:30pm. Barre and Online.

Possible Agenda:

  1. Juniper and Jennifer report out about TeacherCon
  2. Plan for the fall
    • Hour of Code
    • VermontFest
    • CSTA Conference
  3. Website
  4. CSE endorsement track

Meeting Minutes

Present: Juniper Lovato, Greg Young, Jennifer Fribush, Peter Drescher, Jeff Renard

1) Juniper and Jennifer report out about TeacherCon

  • We're G4. Made connections with G3 NH. We talked about doing funding and training together. Juniper and Jennifer experienced the curriculum and training in Phoenix.
  • G1 and G2 are moving off of funding. Training is going from "free" to "scholarship" so those early groups can go to a pay for training model.
  • Questions about licensure for teachers teaching curriculum.
  • Juniper has funding for her position for the next 5 years, and may get a staff member.
  • Heather Rogers is working at Springfield and attended the TeacherCon.
  • VCSA half day meeting? Late September?
  • Press Release template? Juniper will follow up with

2) Plan for the fall

  1. Hour of Code
  2. VermontFest
  3. CSTA Conference
  4. Recruiting teachers for training next summer.
  • Jeff wants Vermont Facilitators to be CS licensed.
  • CSTA conference - Vermont (VCSA) will send a small delegation, Peter, Juniper, Jennifer, Greg, Oct 27
  • VermontFest - Juniper and Jennifer will do a presentation (Jennifer will work on a proposal) about Introducing the VCSA and opportunties. We should be able to get swag. sponsor VermontFest (Juniper will follow up)?
  • Hour of Code - Lucie? Dec 3 - 9. We will connect with Lucie around it. Peter wants to fill the week with Woman of Code and activities. Peter will reach out to Lucie.
  • People need to start applying for teacher positions starting in October and open until January. What are the value added components for districts to form a relationship with VCSA.
  • Jeff is going to trying to figure out what VCSA is and what our organizational structure is in coordination with Peter.

3) Website

  • Juniper talked about coordinated parallel webpages on various locations. What is the partnership, who is in it, event calendar. Jeff wants a logo and branding with fonts and colors. Juniper will work on that. Juniper believes we can use their logo.
  • Juniper will check in with the MOU on her side. Needs to get through one more layer at UVM.
  • Jennifer is going to do a GOogle site for the VTVLC side of the website.
  • Peter is worried about money to pay the additional gaps in funding. He's looking into funding.

4) CSE endorsement track

  • There isn't currently an endorsement track. Jennifer believes we're short on some methods classes that need to be found or created. She's going to move forward with creating or finding those courses.
  • Jeff - discount for VCSA members to take our CS methods courses.
  • Blackout dates for summer teacherCon in Vermont.
  • Greg talked about a high school sequence in programming? Jeff suggested a scholarship from UVM?

September meeting Sept 24 or 25. Peter will organize people / location.