Transcript Review

To gain the Computer Science Endorsement through Transcript Review, a teacher must meet each of the standards in the endorsement description through college transcripted classes. A course sequence that may meet the requirements may be:

  • CS Methods (3 credits) - Algorithmic Thinking, All Performance Standards - EMich COSC 306, NYU MTHED-UE 1080
  • Impacts of CS (3 credits) - Historical Context, Impacts of Computing - Coursera Specialization
  • Programming 101 (3 credits) - Compilers and Interpreters, Algorithms and Programming - Castleton CIS 2011 or CIS 2031
  • Information Systems (3 credits) - Computing Systems, components, hardware - Castleton BUS 1270 or CIS 3410
  • Networking 101 (3 credits) - Networks and the Internet, cybersecurity, sub-discipline - Castleton BUS 4220
  • Data Processes 101 (3 credits) - Data Analysis, sub-discipline - Castleton CIS 4120
Computer Science Eduator.pdf